The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,145

the pelvic bone. This was why the foal wasn't sliding free.

Eva was paralyzed with indecision. It felt like the wing was outstretched when it needed to be tucked tight into the body.

She could see what she needed to make happen but didn't know how to do it. None of her previous experiences birthing horses would help her with this.

She was in unchartered territory. On her own, as per usual.

There wasn't a lot of time either. If she didn't do something, and soon, the mare would die. Alternatively, the people hunting them could find them and then Eva would die. The mare and foal would only wish they were dead.

Think, Eva, think. You're smart and you've attended dozens of births for several different animals.

But not birds. Because birds were hatched and not born, or at least no bird around her old village had come into this word as a mammal would. They'd all come from eggs.

She didn't know how fragile the wings were. If she forced it down, she could snap the delicate bones, splintering them and complicating the birth further.

Quit dithering and make a decision, Caller, the mare's pain-wracked voice filled her mind, before she snapped her teeth at Eva.

Help my child or leave.

"I'm trying to do just that, lady," Eva said, struggling for a patience that had deserted her. She was hot, sweaty and afraid. She didn't need the Kyren bullying her too.

Though, she supposed certain allowances could be made since the Kyren was probably in a lot of pain.

Work faster, was the snapped response.

Eva had to smother the grin that wanted to take over her face.

I'm so glad you find my plight amusing.

"It's just, for so long I’ve ached to know my charges thoughts and feelings. And now I do, and you swear worse than any Trateri warrior I know," Eva said, laughter a soft hush in her voice.

A small thread of weary amusement wound through the Kyren's voice. I suppose for one such as you this is a strange experience.

"The strangest, but I wouldn't change it for anything."

Eva was fiercely glad Sebastian had come to her, that he had picked her. Without him, she doubted she'd ever have gotten to see the person Caden hid inside, or met the Kyren or experienced any of the wondrous things on this journey. It had been scary, sometimes so much so it was all she could do not to beg for respite, but it had been exhilarating too.

"I know what's wrong, lady," Eva said sobering. "The child's wing is out of place. I can put it back into place, but I'm not sure what damage that might do or if it would be permanent."

The Kyren's fear and panic beat at her, and Eva winced at the throbbing it generated in her head.

The Kyren pulled it back, like the tide receding, still present but no longer threatening to pull Eva under.

Do what you must.

Eva met the Kyren's gaze before the nodding. Resolve firming her chin.

"After the next contraction," Eva told the Kyren. "Don't push until I tell you."

There was a grunt of agreement as the Kyren stiffened, the powerful clenching inside bruising Eva's arm, but she didn't dare withdraw or else she risked losing her grasp on the wing. She might not find it quick enough next time.

As soon as she felt the vise-like grip ease, she moved, slowly straightening the wing as far as it would go before forcing it to fold and pin tight to the foal's body. It didn't take long as she worked between contractions.

Finally, it snapped into place.

"Push," Eva urged.

After that, nature took its course, the front legs of the foal sliding free with one push. Minutes later the foal’s head followed.

Eva cleared his nose as the rest of him slid free.

Using a scrap of her shirt, she dried him, rubbing his limbs with a vigorous motion.

The mare had already gained her feet, the afterbirth sliding free by the time Eva was done.

A warmth like Eva had never known filled her. Peace and love stemming from the small body she held in her hands. It was the closest Eva had ever come to feeling the love a mother felt for a child. In that moment, she would have done anything for the small one she held in her hands.

Unconditional love poured through a bond as golden as the sun—and as life-giving.

"You’re beautiful," she told the small male. And worth every ounce of pain that was still to come.

There was a snuffle as the mare shifted closer. Copyright 2016 - 2024