The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,117

The lines around the woman's mouth had grown deeper the longer they walked.

"Don't bother saying anything," Hanna said in a low voice. "Laurell is as stubborn as any warrior. Getting her to stay with the healer would be impossible."

Eva didn't understand that mindset. If you were injured, you should seek care before the wound worsened. If Laurell had been one of her charges, she wouldn't have had a choice over whether Eva tended her wounds.

But Laurell was human, and while friendly, she wasn't yet a friend. Eva wasn't sure how forced care would be received if she interfered.

For one thing, Laurell knew a lot of interesting ways to kill a person. Eva didn't want her head separated from her body simply because she'd stuck her nose into business that wasn't hers.

Fiona scratched her neck. "I'd like to say I'm a little smarter."

Hanna snorted at that.

Fiona ignored her to give Eva an awkward smile. "But I'm probably not."

There was an easiness about Fiona as she admitted to her own weaknesses that Eva admired. So often people ignored their faults while deriding others for the same things they were guilty of.

Fiona tilted her head toward the stairs. "Come on, let's get you settled before the commander comes looking for you."

Seeing the disbelief on Eva's face, Fiona snorted. "Please, I know that look on a man's face. I've seen it directed my way a time or two. I also noticed that new dagger you’re sporting."

Eva touched the dagger, her expression questioning. "It was a gift—I think. I found it on my bedroll the night of the attack."

Fiona reached for it, withdrawing it partway before sheathing it again. "I'd know that workmanship anywhere. It's definitely his. That's practically a declaration of intent."

Hanna nodded, cool amusement on her face. "Have you found any other little gifts?"

Eva thought over all the odd items she'd found in her pack, things she knew she hadn’t put there.

Hanna's smile widened, turning sly. "I see you have. I wouldn't have thought the commander would be so indirect."

"Maybe he had to be, considering her past," Fiona suggested.

"What past?" Eva asked narrowing her eyes.

"Don't get all prickly. Anyone with eyes can see you have scars. Deserved ones, from what you’ve told us, but it means someone interested in your affections will have to be a very patient hunter," Fiona said.

"Those gifts—that dagger especially—could be considered a courting dance," Hanna explained. "He's wooing you—in his own roundabout manner. He's spent a lifetime protecting someone who, when all is said and done, can really protect himself. There won't be any way he can keep himself from coming here given your vulnerabilities."

"I'm not helpless," Eva said sharply.

Hanna's face softened as she inclined her chin in a small nod. "No, you're not. You have many skills that are commendable, but you're also not a warrior versed in killing. That will prick at a man of Caden's background."

A head popped out of one of the doors to the side. Ghost had a leg of chicken he was bringing up to his mouth as he stared at them. "Are we really expected to sleep in these stone coffins?"

Fiona scowled. "Where did you get that?"

Ghost shrugged. "Around."

"He took it from the kitchen," Roscoe called from inside.

Fiona gaped. "You're eating food from this cursed place?"

"Food is food. I'm not letting it go to waste. That'd be ridiculous," Ghost said in a pragmatic voice.

"If you turn into something weird because of that chicken leg, just know I'll be happy to do my duty and put you down," Roscoe remarked cheerfully.

"Thanks, Roscoe. You're all heart."

Jason appeared, his eyes widening as he caught sight of the food in Ghost's hands. "You're eating food from this cursed place?"

Ghost shrugged. "It's no worse than some of what I've eaten in the past.”

"Warriors really are different than the rest of us," Jason observed.

Ghost pointed the chicken leg at him. "And don't you forget it."

Jason focused on Eva. "Sebastian hasn't come back yet. Also, this is yours."

He reached down, scooped up the fox and then deposited him into Eva's arms.

She blinked down at the innocent-looking face. He must have wandered off. She'd lost track of him shortly after her discussion with Ajari.

"I found him scrounging through my bags looking for food," Jason said.

"Sorry about that," Eva said with an internal wince. Just what she needed, to upset Jason more.

He shrugged. "Unless you told it to come find me, I'm not worried about it. It's cute. Kind of reminds me of the wichahoos we had in our homeland."

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