The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,104

for the third time that morning. He was still irritated Eva had chosen to ride Caia instead of him and had no qualms about making his feelings known. It had led to a frustrating morning.

"I've already told you, that's not happening after the last time," Eva muttered, careful to keep her voice down. She didn't want the Trateri knowing her abilities had increased and she could now hear Sebastian's thoughts. Especially not with the whole traitor thing barely behind her.

The fox sat on Caia's shoulders; his nose lifted as the wind ruffled his fur. He seemed content and happy, balancing perfectly, no matter how rambunctious Caia's gait got.

Eva had thought he'd take off by now and seek out the call of the wild, like so many other creatures she'd rescued. Instead, he seemed determined to stick to her. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"Did you say something?" Jason asked, spurring his horse to ride at her side.


"But I thought—"

The sharp sound of hoof beats drowned out the rest of what he'd been about to say as Caden cantered toward them.

Eva bit back the oath she wanted to let loose. Judging by the knowing, satisfied look on the Anateri commander's face, she needn't have bothered. Sometime in the past weeks he'd learned to read her like a book.

"What do you want?" she ground out, still angry about the way he'd ignored her yesterday and forced the issue.

Stupid her, she'd thought they'd cultivated an understanding based on mutual respect during their little adventure. Guess not, if his actions were anything to judge by.

Caden didn't immediately answer, lifting his chin to Drake, her guard dog and jailer, depending on how Eva was feeling at the time.

The Anateri offered a small smile of consolation, a secret humor glittering in his eyes before he cantered away.

"Traitor," Eva muttered under her breath.

Not entirely true, since Caden owned their unquestioning loyalty.

"Commander, uh—Caden, how are you?" Jason stammered, his voice squeaking toward the end. He flushed as they glanced at him briefly.

Caden ignored him, directing his attention at Eva. "Stay beside me from now on. I don't want to have to chase you down again."

Eva forgot her preoccupation with Jason's unexpected hero worship of Caden as she was reminded of why she spent so much time avoiding the commander in the first place.

"Are you afraid I'm going to fly off?" she asked in an arch tone.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," he said in his completely rational voice. "You do have a history."

"Once," she hissed.

He acted like she flew off on the backs of Kyren on a regular basis.

"And that wasn't my fault."

He fixed her with a hard stare. "You're the one who climbed onto his back. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you present when Shea left on her expedition to the Badlands?"

Jason's wide eyes swung her way, unable to hide how impressed he was.

She ignored him and the fact that Caden had just announced her part in that. She didn't need others knowing her role that night. It wasn't anything worth talking about.

Her glare was powerful enough to make a sane man flinch. Instead Caden’s lips twitched as if she amused him. The sight was wholly unexpected on the normally inexpressive Caden. Eva's stomach fluttered. She wasn't used to this playful side of him.

Into the silence, Jason threw out, "I'm an orphan too."

Eva sent him a disbelieving look. Why? Why had he felt the need to announce that now? Couldn't he read the atmosphere?

The brief glimpse of a personality beyond that of a killer was wiped clean, as Caden slanted a glance at Jason. "Ask me what you're planning to ask."

Jason took a deep breath. "How did you get them to respect you? I try but it doesn't work."

"Certainly not by making the lives of others difficult—or by posturing and belittling them so you feel better about yourself," Caden said meaningfully.

Jason blushed at the rebuke, his eyes sliding to Eva and away.

"Or by kissing ass and pretending to be something you’re not. I worked hard and I took my place in society. It wasn't given to me. I earned it and when people tried to keep what was mine, I tore them down and then stood on their bloody corpses," Caden shared. "No one owes you anything simply because you had a bad beginning. Be the best you can be and don't hurt those who are trying to help you."

Jason seemed to shrink in on himself, his face falling. Eva Copyright 2016 - 2024