The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,102

by the way—things escalated and the blame fell on her."

Caden shrugged. There hadn't been time to warn Darius of his intentions. Keeping the mythological in sight had been his main priority. He knew Darius and the rest would likely be able to take care of themselves. Given Eva's propensity for finding trouble, he hadn't been as sure of her. Good thing too, if the scene he'd pulled her out of was anything to judge by.

"As soon as she left, the creatures sank back into their lake," Darius said. "It wasn't until then we discovered there was another prong of attack. We only caught a handful of them, and when questioned they seemed to indicate there was a traitor in our midst."

"And you assumed that person was Eva," Caden finished for him.

Darius nodded. "It did seem like a convenient explanation given her disappearance."

A sinking feeling filled Caden. Eva might seem strong, but there were cracks in her mental defenses. Betrayal would be a hot button for her. No wonder she had snapped when he'd stepped in.

He had a feeling any progress he’d made into her affections had been set back because of his actions.

Caden rubbed his forehead. "How much did you learn about the real traitor?"

"Enough to know he's not the only one," Darius said.

"Have you confronted him yet?" Caden asked.

Darius shook his head. "I'm waiting for him to hang himself for me."

"And you used the confrontation and bad blood with Eva to lull him into a sense of safety," Caden guessed.

Darius lifted a shoulder. The motion confirmation enough.

Caden shook his head. And they called him and Fallon ruthless. They had nothing on the general. Darius used everything and everyone around him in pursuit of his goals. Eva was just his latest tool.

In the past, Caden would have admired him for the simplicity and brilliance of his plan. Now, he had to fight the urge to plant his fist in Darius's face and pour some of this aggression filling him into his friend.

Caden locked down on the impulse with an iron control. Violence hovered just beneath the surface—a fact Darius was too smart not to pick up on, as he gave Caden an assessing look.

"The information you've gleaned from the enemy makes this task even more important," Darius said. "By journey's end, we'll know just how deep the rot goes."

Caden grunted. That was the sole silver lining in this situation.

"Tomorrow we push on," Caden said.

Darius hesitated as his attention went to the camp. "I'm not sure that will be possible with how many are injured. They might not be ready to move, and splitting up in this situation could have devastating consequences for those we leave behind."

"Staying still isn't the answer either," Caden said.

"You've killed their forward advance team. That's bought us a little time," Darius pointed out. "We can afford a day or two before we move on."

"Unless they send another mythological after us," Hanna said with a sweet smile.

"Sure would be nice if the Kyren could call some of its buddies to come get us," Ghost mused softly.

"That's not likely to happen," Fiona said. "Wishing and dreaming is for Lowlanders. Not us. We make the best of the circumstances we encounter."

There were several low-voiced assents to that statement.

Everyone looked to Darius and Caden for their orders.

"If anybody is interested in my opinion, I think moving would be wise." Reece's sour voice drifted on the air.

They all glanced around, looking for the pathfinder and not immediately locating him. It wasn't until Caden spotted the faintest movement when Reece shifted, that he saw the man.

Reece had lain down in a small depression, his drab pathfinder garb blending in with the longer grasses, making him difficult to see until he moved.

"That is what I'm here for, after all," Reece continued acerbically.

"Are you spying on us now?" Darius asked.

Reece snorted. "As if I care about the inner workings of Trateri politics. I was here first. You lot were the ones who decided to have an important conversation next to my napping spot."

Fiona made a small sound of amusement as they watched the other man rise, dusting stray pieces of grass and dirt off his clothes before aiming his eerie colored eyes at the rest of them.

"Since you've inserted yourself into the conversation, what is your advice?" Darius challenged.

Reece tilted his head. "I shouldn't have to insert myself anywhere, general. You should be setting a good example for your warriors and consulting me on these types of decisions. Unless you care nothing for the Copyright 2016 - 2024