The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,100

Darius's wounded and a small security detachment.

Caden fell back to ride by Eva halfway through the journey.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye as the rest fanned out around them, keeping a lookout for stray beasts or new enemies.

"You kept your promise," Caden observed without looking at her.

Eva pulled a face. "Sorry we weren't there sooner. I tried to convince him, but he said it was too dangerous to travel."

"I'm not surprised. I suspected that would be his response. It worked out in the end. I did what needed doing," he said.

His expression was somber as he stared straight ahead.

"You sent me away so you could attack head on," she guessed.

At that, he looked over at her, his eyes glacial and hard. "You would have been a liability if you'd stayed."

His answer had her teeth clicking together since she couldn’t really argue with that assessment. She wasn't skilled with blade or in the art of sneaking around.

"Did you send me away because I was a liability or because you were worried about what I'd think of you afterward?" she asked, seeing past the hard front he presented.

The muscles around his jaw clenched. "No, it was because you were a liability."

Liar. She didn't know what led her to that conclusion, but she knew it with the same certainty as she knew her own name.

There were a dozen different ways he could have used her presence, or more importantly, Sebastian’s, that didn't involve sending them from the battlefield. The only thing she wasn't sure about was whether he'd done it because she was his charge or if he had deeper feelings.

"Uh-huh," she said.

The sight of Jane trying to cover a smile made her think she was on the right track.

She let the matter drop. Pressing wasn't likely to uncover anything further. Caden struck her as being stubborn like that.

"I'm glad you managed to survive. It would have been hard to explain if you hadn't."

He slid her a glance like he knew exactly how desperate she had been to keep him from dying. "We wouldn't have wanted to disappoint you now."

"Finally, you speak sense." Eva touched her heels to Caia's side, spurring her forward. The wind hid her self-satisfied grin at getting in the last word. It was surprisingly fun verbally fencing with Caden, even if sometimes at the end she felt like she'd gotten away with sticking her hand into a hornet’s nest.

The sentries let out a low call at the sight of them as they rode past, notifying the others of their return.

Attention locked on Caden and Darius, leaving Eva free to dismount in relative peace. To the Trateri, Caden was almost as important as the general.

Eva couldn't help but be aware as the warriors slapped Caden's back, welcoming him home. She kept her motions quick, wanting to check on Ollie at the first opportunity.

A Trateri man broke off from those surrounding Caden. "Guess you're not the traitor we assumed after all."

The way he said it made it seem like he was disappointed or still disbelieving.

Eva blinked at him, unable to form a response.

Caden appeared behind him, his face a mask of terrible fury as he grabbed the man by the neck and yanked him around in an implacable hold. "What did you just say?"

"Caden, enough," Eva shouted.

Caden's gaze flicked toward her and then back to the man he held in his grip. "I asked you a question."

The man's face had gone pale, even as confusion clouded his expression. "What? I don't understand."

"To her. What did you just say to her?" Caden's growl was a thing of nightmares, more suited to a beast than a man's throat.

"I told you it's not important," Eva barked.

Caden ignored her, entirely focused on the prey in his grip.

"Her?" The man seemed disbelieving. "I congratulated her on not being a traitor."

Caden's eyes darkened. "Now what would make you think she was?"

Brutality settled over his features as those nearby went still, aware they were in the presence of something dangerous. Reminded that Caden was one of the most ruthless among them, thought even more merciless than the Warlord.

"They're all thinking it," Eva snapped, finally fed up. She glared at the infernal man who wouldn't let this drop. "Even your general. They're all waiting for the moment I flip."

She started to stalk off but stopped, whirling to face him before taking several steps toward him again, her expression full of wrath. "Furthermore, I have no need of your rescue, Anateri."

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024