Windfall Page 0,28

my home address to guys you meet at the mall... !"

I felt warmth behind me, and Lewis's hand fell on my shoulder. "Sorry. Just thought I'd say 'hi,' and sorry, I'm not Eamon... Who's Eamon?"

"Sarah's mall pickup." I sighed. "Sarah, meet Lewis. Old friend from college."

She'd stopped chopping, instantly, and I could see her snapshotting him. Cute, she was probably thinking. But way too flannel. And she was right. Lewis was all about the old blue jeans and worn checked shirts. His hair was getting too long again, curling halfway down his neck, and there were smile lines around his eyes and mouth. I knew for certain that he'd never in his life owned a suit, and never would. He'd never have a hefty bank balance, either. Not Sarah's type.

She smiled impartially at him. Sarah's version of Hi, how are you, now go away.

I could see she was disappointed that Eamon hadn't come calling to whisk her off to an evening of prime rib and a selection of stout British ales.

"We're making Mexican food," I said. "You're staying, right?"

"Sure." Lewis looked around. "Nice place, Jo. Different."

"Thrift store," I said, straight-faced. "Kind of like my life right now."

"Could be worse." Didn't I know it. His gaze brushed mine, warm and full of concern. "I need to talk to you for a few minutes. Somewhere private?"

Which made all of my warm fuzzies curl up and die. I nodded silently and led the way out into the living room, then hesitated and took him into the bedroom and closed the door. The bed was still unmade. In normal times, Lewis might have made a sly little joke out of it, but he just sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at me, hands clasped loosely between his knees. He was a lanky thing, all awkward angles that somehow always looked weirdly graceful.

It made me feel... well. I'd missed him.

"Where's David?" he asked.

"Let's change the subject," I answered. Not angrily, just with finality. The last time we'd had dealings, he'd been in a scheme to separate me from David, and I wasn't having any of that, ever again. Lewis was probably the only Warden who knew I still had him, and that made me a little bit wary of the whole reunion vibe.

"You don't want to talk about it, fine. I respect that." Lewis rubbed the pads of his thumbs together and looked down at the carpet. "I'm only asking because I want to be sure you have... protection. People are asking questions about you."


"The wrong people. There's a big discussion going on, and a pretty sizeable number are yelling about how you shouldn't have been let out of the Association without-" He didn't say the words being neutered, but that was pretty much what we both knew he meant. "-making sure you don't continue to use your powers. They're pointing to some anomalies down here as proof you're still playing Warden without a license."

That... wasn't good. And it explained my visit from the Three Amigos yesterday morning. "Have you told them I'm not? That I'm abiding by the agreement?"

"I'm not telling them anything." Lewis shook his head slowly. "Look, I'm in the Wardens now, but I'm not really... in the Wardens. You know what I mean. Whatever I have to say, it's not likely to help you. They respect me. They don't like me, and trust doesn't enter into it."

I did know. Lewis had spent a lot of years on the outside, making himself thoroughly lost from the Wardens, including me. A substantial number of Wardens probably didn't want him around at all, and an even greater number thought he was useful but didn't trust a thing he had to say.

"Then what's Paul saying?" Paul Giancarlo, current acting National Warden, was a friend, too. But Paul had a streak of ruthlessness about a mile wide, and friendship wasn't going to alter that one bit. Our friendship had taken some pretty good hits in the past few months, too. I wasn't sure I could ever really forgive him for what he'd done to me in Nevada.

It's one thing to put me in danger. It was quite another to blackmail me with the life of my lover. Not a thing friends did.

"He's been trying to keep things reasonable." Lewis looked up at me with those warm, compassionate eyes. "I'm just guessing Copyright 2016 - 2024