To Win a Widow - Alexa Aston Page 0,58

only had to wait a quarter-hour before he was ushered into Goolsby’s office.

“It is very good to see you, Lord Sheffington,” the solicitor said. “What brings you to the city?”

Once more, he explained the notion of beginning a hospital for wounded veterans and how he needed the capital to do so.

Goolsby sighed. “It is a noble venture, my lord. You could start on a very small basis so that it wouldn’t be so costly.” He frowned. “We have spoken of your financial situation so you understand it would be unwise to follow through with your idea at this particular time. However, if you chose to attend the Season and married well, this wouldn’t be a problem and you could begin the venture once the marriage contracts were signed and your bride’s dowry became yours.”

“I want to focus my efforts on Sheffield Park for now,” he revealed. “That and this hospital. Not on finding my countess. I do, though, have a way to raise some money for the near future.”

Rhys shared the names of the artists of the two paintings that he wanted to sell and asked Goolsby about how to go about it.

The solicitor steepled his fingers. “I do know of someone who could appraise the works. If you’ll allow me to—”

Suddenly, the door flung open and a man in his mid-forties barged in. Ignoring Rhys, he said, “Goolsby, you must help me. The house I leased has burned. At least a part of it has. The kitchens. The drawing room. The ballroom. Thank God the bedchambers remained untouched. But Maria is making her come-out this Season. I simply must have a house. I’ve been about all day with a leasing agent and there is nothing decent to be had. Lady Furleigh is most upset. And when my wife is unhappy, I cannot be happy.”

Rhys sat up. It had never occurred to him to lease his London townhouse. As it was, it would sit empty without its owner for months, if not a couple of years. He was paying an army of servants to maintain it when that wasn’t necessary at all. Even when he did decide to come to town and peruse the Marriage Mart, he wouldn’t need such a large space. As a bachelor, he wouldn’t be expected to host events, merely attend them. He wouldn’t even need a drawing room since he was the one who would make the calls upon eligible ladies. He could get by with living in a couple of rooms instead of a grand townhouse.

“Lord Furleigh,” Mr. Goolsby began. “While I understand your predicament, I am with a client at the moment.”

The nobleman glanced over his shoulder and surprise lit his face. “Oh, dear. My lord, please forgive me for interrupting. It’s just that things are dire, especially with the Season on the verge of starting.”

Rhys gave what he hoped was a charming smile. “Not a problem, Lord Furleigh. I am Lord Sheffington. My business with Goolsby had just come to an end.” He paused, ready to reel in the man. “But I might have a solution to your problem.”

Furleigh collapsed into the chair next to Rhys. “Please. I could use your help, my lord. My daughter must make her come-out as planned. And she has five sisters after her who will be doing the same in the next few years. We prefer the country to town and never come, which is why I have no place of my own. If you know of someone who might let me his townhouse, I would be forever in your debt.”

“I have recently come into my own title,” he explained. “I was a colonel in the army. I find my country estate needs much of my attention since it had been sadly neglected by the previous earl. That means I must forgo the upcoming Season. It would be foolish to let my townhouse sit empty when you have such need of one.”

He glanced to Goolsby, who chimed in, “Indeed, Lord Furleigh. Lord Sheffington’s place is in the heart of Mayfair, whereas the townhouse you were renting merely sat on its edge. Of course, that would entail paying a higher fee to rent such a prime property.”

Lord Furleigh waved a hand dismissively. “That is of no consequence, Goolsby. Having an adequate place is what is important. One which Lady Furleigh approves of, naturally.”

“Why don’t you and your wife come to dinner this evening?” Rhys suggested smoothly. “Bring all your girls along. You may view the townhouse before Copyright 2016 - 2024