For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,67

me off."

"And I can fix that too," she promised. "Adam? I need you. Family emergency."

"Excuse me," Adam said in the background.

Next, there was a long moment of nothing before Kate started talking again, her words clearly not for Rhaven. "She got outed, it's bad, KoG is involved, and I want her in Denver yesterday."

"Can do," Adam agreed.

"Give me your card. I need to order an Uber, get her a ticket - "

"No," Adam said. "You set up her room since you have that access. I'll get the car and tickets. What time are we looking at?"

"Rhaven?" Kate asked. "How much time do you need?"

"It's two hours to Billings," she said.

"And how long to pack, sweetie?" Kate asked. "I'm not rushing you. I'm trying to make sure that you're ok."

"Um..." She had to think about it. "I don't know. I have to tear down my computer, and I don't have anything - " She sucked in a little breath. "What if they look in my closet?"

"You're ok," Kate promised. "We're going to make sure of it, Rhaven. How long?"

"An hour?" she guessed, unable to imagine waiting any longer.

"So three hours from now," Kate said. "Two hour drive from her place to the airport, and one for her to pack. Build in some breathing room, but I'd rather she's waiting at the airport than at home if things are this bad."

"I don't know how I'm going to pay for this," Rhaven said.

"You're not," Kate promised. "This is on us, and you're going to suck it up, say thank you, and make it through the next few hours for me, ok? I want to see my best friend again, so I need you to do one big push here, Rhaven. Go home, go pack your things, and let us handle the rest."

"Ok," she said. "Thank you."

"Text me if it gets bad," Kate told her. "I can get you out of the house sooner, and into a hotel or something, ok? We have options."

"Ok," Rhaven agreed. "I'm going to do this. I'll be ok. I'll call if there's a problem, but can you tell Psyc I'm ok?"

"Promise," Kate assured her.

Rhaven ended the call, put her phone back into her pocket, and then wiped her face. She could do this. One hour, and most of it would be spent tearing down her computer and packing her bags. If her family wanted her out, that gave her enough time to get everything. It would all be ok. One way or the other, this would all be out in the open, and she would leave to give them time to think.

It was the same plan as before, right? Just a day early. That didn't change anything at all, and she could still do this. Just be blunt, drop it out there, see what they had to say, and go from there. No, pack first, and then see what they had to say. Yeah, that was a better idea. That was what she'd do.

Decided, she started walking again, right up the stairs and into the house without a pause. Just like she'd expected, her father and brother were sitting in the living room, clearly waiting for her. She only spared them a glance before turning up the hall to her room, but the look on their faces was enough. Those men were pissed. They were seething about something, and she was afraid it was her.

"Ethan!" Dad snapped when she didn't stop.

"Have to pack," she called back. "Got a car coming in an hour to pick me up." And before he could stop her, she headed right to her room, closed the door, and locked it.

Her father's fist banged on it almost immediately. "Open this door and talk to me, boy."

"No," she yelled back.

"Ethan, I saw the papers. I want to know what's going on."

"Dad!" Tyler hissed. "Not like that."

"Ethan!" Her father yelled again. "We just want to talk."

She grabbed her headset off the desk, paired it to her phone, and turned on her music. The angry kind. The loud kind with too much bass. The kind that would drown out their voices, because she had to pack first. That was the plan, and then she'd tell them.

Because time was up.

Chapter 23

Pulling out her bags, she tossed in all of her girly stuff first. Shoes, dresses, lingerie, and even makeup, it all went in the bag. After that, she went with more comfortable things like t-shirts and jeans. If she thought she might need it in the next couple Copyright 2016 - 2024