For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,65

was offering a reward to anyone with information about "Rhaven's" real identity.

Yes, they even used quotes around her name, but not once did the paper use a feminine pronoun. She needed to talk to someone. Her mind spun, desperately trying to think of who. Kate would be headed to work right now, so couldn't talk. Braden? No, not after the way they'd left things.

Not knowing what else to do, she flicked through her phone and found the only person she could think of who would understand her right now: PsychoCut. It might be early where he was, but he was probably still up playing, and she didn't really care right now.

Pressing the button, it rang four times before he finally answered with a gravely, "Uh?"

"Psyc," she said. "It's Rhaven. KoG just outed me. It's in the local paper, and I'm at work, and there are people outside, and I don't know what to do."

"Fuck you still there for?" he asked. "Bail, babe."

"But my boss isn't here."

"And I like you in one piece, honey. Get your shit and get the fuck out. No, call the cops. They have to keep you safe, don't they? Shit. I don't know." He sounded like he was waking up as he talked. "KoG did this?"

"It's in the local paper. The Kings of Gaming are offering a reward for information on me. I don't know what to do!"

But the sound of the back door of the building meant she was no longer alone. The only question was who'd just walked in. Her heart beat even harder - if that was possible - and she wished she'd locked that one too.

"I have to go," she said.

"No, Rhaven," he begged. "Stay on the line with me while I get Cyn."

Instead, she hung up just as her boss walked around the corner. "What the fuck are you doing?" he demanded. "You can't lock the door unless there's a police investigation."

"They spit on me!" she yelled.

He just gave her a disgusted look. "And you're shocked? Yes, I know about the paper too. What the fuck were you thinking, Ethan?"

"I can't be here," she said, pushing past him. "You deal with it and the puke under the front counter."

"You can't leave yet," Todd said. "I have paperwork for you to fill out."

Her feet stalled out, and then she realized what he meant. Slowly, she turned to face him. "What?"

"You can't lock the door during business hours. I warned you that it would mean your job, but you still did it. Get your ass back in here and sign this."

"No," she told him. "Because if I no longer work here, that makes all of this your problem."

And she turned, hurrying for the back. She had her phone, her keys, and everything else she'd come with. No, wait, her coffee mug! Nah, screw that. It wasn't worth going back to the office for. She just had to leave this place before anyone tried to do more than throw things at her.

Rhaven hit the back door at a fast walk. Her hands activated the bar that released the latch and the heavy metal door swung open, but she didn't stop. She was bolting, even if it was still a walk - and that made her crash right into the first protester behind the building.

"Sorry," she breathed.

"It's you!" the guy said, looking her over. "Fucking tranny!"

"Leave me alone!" she screamed, hurrying to the side, but someone grabbed her arm.

"You're going to burn in hell, you fucking fag."

And then someone else shoved her in the opposite direction. Rhaven tripped, tumbling to the ground, and it felt like people were all around her. There couldn't have been more than five or six, but in that instant, it felt like a million. She rolled, trying to crawl backwards, but someone was there. And there wasn't enough room to get to her feet.

All of the faces around her were angry. The group was all screaming, and she could barely make out what was said. Comments about Hell, Jesus, and a few slurs stood out, but just as random words. If she thought she'd been scared before, this took it to a whole new level.

Then someone kicked. The foot hit her in the back. It hurt, but she knew it could've been harder. That was just the first one. It was the thing that would convince the others it was ok. Desperately, she rolled to her knees - but someone shoved her back down. Tears began to pour down her Copyright 2016 - 2024