For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,45

mean anything bad. No different than when Adam told me he was Ice. Didn't change who he is, but I felt blindsided."

"You also handled it well," Adam yelled from the other side of the room, his voice sounding distant.

"I was freaking out," Kate told him. "My first thought was that this had to be some plot to make a fool out of me, and I was waiting for the catch."

"And I kept chickening out," Adam reminded her. "I figure it's as close to coming out as I'll ever know, and I was still scared shitless. Kinda why I'm rooting for Rhaven on this. It's hard, Kate. You had this impression of me, and I had to shatter it. I half expected you to throw wine in my face, storm out, and quit your job."

"I love my job," she countered. "And telling me your game name is nothing like coming out!"

"It's the closest I have," he said again.

"He's right," Rhaven said. "Revealing his true identity and facing the chance of not being accepted? It's not the same, but for a cis man, it's enough to get a taste."

"So what are you going to do?" Kate asked. "Not about coming out. I mean tonight, when Braden comes to have dinner with your dad and brother, and he's trying hard not to fawn over you."

"I don't know," she admitted. "I mean, do I try to act like a normal guy around him? Can I? Tyler already thinks there's something there - "

"Because there is," Kate pointed out.

"Yeah, but..." She dropped her head onto her desk. "I like him, Kate. I really like this man, and I feel like I barely know him, but I don't want to screw it up."

"Kinda get the impression that he likes you back," Kate pointed out.

"But I screw things up," Rhaven groaned. "You don't understand, but I always do. I suck at this. When I'm at the conventions, it's easy. None of you know me. I don't have to worry about what anyone will think because I'm just there to play. This is my family! My dad isn't the kind of man to be comfortable with some guy hitting on his son!"

"Rhaven," Kate soothed, "it's ok. Think of this as your chance to just hang out. No different than the parties in Q's room, right? No different than stopping by the EC booth."

"When he flirts?" she shot back.

"And when you roll your eyes at him, tell him to shove off, and act like some badass. Yeah, just like that. If your brother already knows Braden's bi, then what is there to lose?"

"My dad kicking him out," Rhaven offered. "My brother trying to pick a fight - which we both know would go badly."

"And Braden's cooler than that." Kate sighed. "Text him. Ask him what he wants to do? Tell him how you want this to happen?"

"I already have," she admitted. "I mean, I kinda explained things, and he gets it. So far he's been cool about it, but he's going to slip. Or worse, I will. Then what?"

"Then, if your dad thinks you're gay - or your brother does - it will be easier for them to accept the truth. It doesn't matter, Rhaven. You like this guy, you want to see him, and he wants to see you. Your family loves you enough that they're trying, even if they don't know how. That means this is ok. It's all going to be fine. So just have dinner, drink a beer or something, and talk about coding. Trust me, that will make everyone else run away."

"Fuck off," Rhaven laughed. "I'm not that bad."

"You can be," Kate teased. "It's cute, Rhaven. I promise. It's just that most of us non-dorks can't keep up and our eyes glaze over. I'm telling you, though. If you want a moment alone, just start talking about programming, and everyone will get busy somewhere else."

"Except Braden," she realized.

"Exactly," Kate said. "And most of all, enjoy it. You're bringing your crush home - "

"Boyfriend," Rhaven corrected. "He, um, says I'm his girlfriend. He's my boyfriend."

"So it's official?"

"As official as it can get, I guess?" Rhaven was smiling foolishly and knew it. "I really like him, Kate. I mean, girls like me? We don't get the hot ones. We get the leftovers, the desperate ones."

"Bullshit," Kate said. "That's your insecurity talking, and it does nothing but lie. Girls like you? You can have any damned thing you want, and Braden seems to agree. Besides, he's not Copyright 2016 - 2024