For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,43

of anger management courses say otherwise," Braden assured him. "That should've been online as well. Arrested for breaking the face of a guy. Know what he did?" Braden smiled. "Asshole was picking on this little gay guy in my class. Made him cry, so I made sure that asshole cried more."

"Your boyfriend?" Tyler asked.

Braden shook his head. "Nope. He just sat in the row in front of mine. I don't tolerate bullies. I can't handle that shit. So, trust me, Rhave's safe with me. We're on the same fucking side, ok?"

"Ok," Tyler said, taking a step back. "Show up at six. Earlier if you want. I mean, I won't turn down free beer."

"Then I'll bring plenty," Braden promised. "Rhave? Text me?"

"Promise," she told him, aware that the tension between those two had just changed. "See ya this evening, Brae."

He just nodded, but there was a little tightness around his mouth that looked like he really wanted to smile. Then again, so did she. That was her boyfriend, and this was a family dinner. Yeah, maybe it was a whole new level of awkwardness that she'd never even thought to worry about before, but it was still nice. At least in theory.

She had a funny feeling the reality would be very, very different.

Chapter 15

The moment Rhaven stepped inside, she found her Dad sitting on the couch, staring at the TV. His eyes jumped over to her, and she had to mentally replay what she was wearing. A t-shirt and baggy jeans. Nothing feminine. Nothing that would let him know what had happened last night. And yet, her heart immediately began pounding.

"You didn't come home last night," he said. The tone was the same as someone asking how her day had been.

So she shrugged it off, trying her hardest to look casual. "Didn't have to work today, so figured it didn't matter."

He nodded. "So is he coming to dinner?"

Her mouth dropped open. How did he know about that? "Uh, yeah? Why? What's going on, Dad?"

He sighed and turned off the TV. "Ethan, you've never brought your friends over. Tyler's tend to take over the living room more often than not. You? All the people you know are on that computer. I just thought it might be nice to meet this guy and make sure he's not going to get you in trouble."

She tried to twist his words a million ways, but couldn't find anything wrong with that. Not really. Well, besides the incredibly awkward part about her being twenty-two and Dad acting like she was twelve.

"He might get me an in with a game development company," she admitted.

Dad nodded slowly. "So, you're still hoping to do that?"

"Yeah!" She wanted to groan but knew better. He wouldn't understand. "Dad, I suck with power tools. We both know that. I don't get excited about cars like Tyler. I game, and even if I can't get into development, then what's the real downside?"

"Thought about going into IT?" he asked. "Marcy says her company's hiring some entry-level positions."

"Braden asked me to help with the user interface for a game," she countered. "Kinda sounds more like my thing, but I wouldn't turn down IT."

"Good." He flashed her a smile. "And if you get the job, we'll figure out the cars, ok? I know you're still going to go to all those game conventions, but we'll work something out. I'll get the website from Marcy so you can apply."

"Thanks," she told him, honestly meaning it. "And if I can place in Denver, I should have enough to buy my own car."

That caught her father's attention. "From gaming?"

"From gaming," she assured him. "First place is something like fifty grand. Now do you see why I take this seriously?"

"That's more than I make a year!" He laughed. "Yeah. I also know you can do it, Ethan. You've been on those things since you were little." Then he paused. "Oh, does your friend like burgers?"

"Everyone likes burgers, Dad."

He nodded. "So not some vegetarian, huh?"

Which was when Tyler walked in. "That guy? Fuck no. Guy's huge."

"Then we'll make extra burgers," Dad decided.

Rhaven just shook her head at them and headed to her room. She was dying to change clothes. Mostly because of what she had on under this - her shirt was stretched out just enough that she didn't want a bra strap to show at the neckline. She also needed to tell Kate how things had gone, and her best friend was still waiting to hear.

So the moment she was alone, Copyright 2016 - 2024