For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,40

all out there. She could ask her questions, I'd try to answer them, one of us would cry, and that would be it."

"So, you knew she'd accept you?"

He reached up to drag his hand across his mouth. "No. I thought she'd throw me out of the house, screaming about me being some kind of sinner or abomination. Instead, she asked me if it was true. I said it was, and she said 'oh,' and hung up on me. Took her a while, but she's realized it's not a phase, but I've never brought a boyfriend home either."

She looked up. "That's what I'm scared of."

He just caressed her head. "I know, baby, and I'm sorry, but I can't help here. I can offer to help if they kick you out. I can celebrate with you if they're ok with it. I can even offer advice if it's confusing to them. What I can't do is make them believe that this is just how some people are."

"I know." And she sighed. "So, I'll do it Thursday over dinner."

"Let me know how it goes?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yeah. Promise. Mostly because other than Kate and Adam, you're the only one who would understand."

"Not so sure about that," he said, "but I'll be worried about you either way."

Chapter 14

Braden pulled out his laptop, carrying it to the bed so she didn't have to get dressed again. Tucked under the covers, leaning against his strong chest, Rhaven got a tour of Deviant's newest game. Renegade really was a new version of Silk, but it was still very rough. Designing the world was easy since it was a modern version of Chance's first vision. The game mechanics and concept, however, were still being hashed out.

She asked so many questions, and Braden answered them. Often, it was simply to say that he didn't know or that they hadn't decided yet. Right now, all that mattered was the game engine, the world, and the user interface to operate their character. Naturally, she had a few opinions about that last part, and he listened to them all.

At some point, cuddling turned into kissing. The kissing turned into groping. Both hands and mouths roamed, but it was easier in the darkness. And somewhere in there, she fell asleep against Braden's chest. She woke the next morning to the sound of a vacuum in the hall outside. Braden wasn't beside her.

She sat up quickly and looked around. For a split second, she was convinced that her worst fear had come true, and then the bathroom door opened. Braden stepped out wearing nothing but a towel. His eyes traveled over her body and a smile touched his lips, then he gestured to the other room.

"I've got coffee in there if you're actually up."

"Yeah. No. I'm awake," she mumbled.

He just chuckled. "You are adorable in the morning. Um, there's also a message on your phone. It was going crazy earlier."

The phone in her pants. The pants that were on the floor. Rhaven leaned forward to find that her clothes had been picked up. Her phone was now on the dresser against the far wall, and her clothes had been tossed on the unused bed. Her bra and panties were on top.

"Yeah, um, thanks," she said, not quite sure what wasn't weird in this situation.

Braden just made his way closer, then leaned in to press a kiss to her lips. Rhaven leaned away, waving him off.

"Morning breath."

So he kissed her forehead. "There's a hotel toothbrush in there too. Relax, Rhave. I'm not going to change my mind now." He moved to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. "I know you need a ride, so just let me know when you need to leave, ok? Shower, don't, whatever."

Then he grabbed his clothes and walked out, leaving her in the bed alone. Oddly, she was pretty sure that was his way of giving her space, and it was kinda cute. So, grabbing her phone, she hurried into the bathroom. The texts were from Kate and her brother. Both wanted to know if everything was ok. Rhaven decided to message Kate back first.

Rhaven: Just woke up. Good night. Will tell you more later. Shower!

Then she sent one to her brother.

Ethan: Hung over. I'm fine. Be home in half an hour or so.

Like he was waiting, Tyler answered immediately.

Tyler: Wild party?

Ethan: Kick ass game and whiskey. The good kind.

Tyler: And the giant's still cool?

Ethan: Not the first time we've all crashed in the same hotel room, moron.

Tyler: Copyright 2016 - 2024