For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,31

do. Rhaven, I don't know how to break this to you, but you're not built like a man. Your brother sees a lean and weak guy. I see an elegant and willowy woman. Your face isn't masculine at all. You have lips that beg to be kissed." He paused. "Which isn't a very good argument from me, but still. You look like a woman. With makeup, without, wearing whatever you want - you look like a woman, ok?"

She paused and turned back to him. "Really?"

"Yes," he said, looking a bit unsure. "But do I get a hint of which part made you stop being defensive?"

All she could do was shrug, because she'd been talking about all of it. But this was her default: someone accused her of something, and she tried to negate it. Good, bad, it didn't matter. So long as she was nothing, then she wouldn't be noticed, and her life was safer that way. That didn't necessarily mean better, though.

"I'm sorry, Braden." She reached up to push her hair out of her face. "I'm not very good at this. When I'm at the conventions, I'm a woman, and so long as I'm adamant that I am, the people around me accept it. Here? I don't know how to walk this line. I'm not trying to be a bitch. It's just that..."

"It's easier to push people away," he finished for her, stepping closer. "Well, I have bad news for you. I'm not going anywhere, Rhaven. I'm also not going to be offended if you snap at me, freak out, or anything else, because unlike other people, I know this is hard."

She licked her lips. "I wanted to make a good impression."

"You always do," he said, his voice turning just a little deeper even as his hand reached up for her cheek. "And it's kinda cute that your brother is trying so hard to put me in my place. I'm pretty sure he knows I have a crush on you."

"He said that's the only reason a guy would show up in a town like this."

Braden leaned a little closer. "He's also right." And his thumb slid across her lower lip. "He also wasn't trying to chase me off, just make me be a gentleman."

"He thinks I'm gay," she breathed.

"I think you're amazing."

His eyes flicked to hers, then back to her mouth just before he leaned in. Rhaven found herself lifting her face and her eyes slipped closed just before their lips met. Just like before, he started gently, giving her every chance to back away, but that wasn't what she wanted. Her mouth parted and Braden growled in the back of his throat a split second before his other arm wrapped around her back, pulling her against him.

Then he kissed her the way she wanted. He took. He savored. His tongue explored, and she tried desperately to keep up. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel the blood rushing between her legs, but she didn't care. Throwing an arm around his neck, she pushed her fingers into his short hair and pulled him closer.

He obeyed, crushing her against him, leaning her back, and then his hips pressed against her. She could feel the hard ridge of his excitement. While his mouth seduced hers, Rhaven slid one hand down between them, to cup him through his jeans. Braden sucked in a breath, and then his lips curled against her mouth.

"Keep that up and I might get the wrong idea," he teased, the words hoarse with desire.

She lifted her lids to meet his eyes. "Or the right one."

"How far is this going, Rhaven?"

And her heart slammed to a stop. "I..." She had to swallow to make the words work. "I don't know."

"It's ok," he promised.

"No, Braden." And she stepped back, putting a little space between them. "I've never... you know. People don't think of me like that."

"I do." He followed, but he didn't reach for her again. "What's off limits, baby? Where's my line?"

"I don't know," she said again. "Braden, I've never, um, done this before." She almost stopped there, but added, "Ever."

"Yeah." He pushed out a breath. "Um, maybe we should slow this down a bit then, hm?"

He almost turned away, but she grabbed his hand, tugging him back. "No." Then she caught the back of his head with her other hand. "I don't know. That's not the same as not wanting to find out."

"Mm," he purred, shifting back into her embrace. "So it's going to Copyright 2016 - 2024