For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,27

girls! I talk to Kate all the time too."

"Another man's girlfriend, and you're saying there's nothing there. Yeah, is she that ugly?"

Rhaven clenched her jaw and pulled in a deep breath. "Fuck you." And she tried to turn to her room again.

But he snatched her arm, stopping her. "All I'm saying is that this entire situation screams hookup, ok? I don't know a lot of guys who'd go that far for just some pal online."

"He came this far to sign a contract for a call center. He closed early and has a few days of doing nothing or driving two hours to see the only person in the state he knows." And she pulled her arm free.

"Damn it, Ethan," he grumbled. "It's ok, you know. If you like this guy, or like the attention, or just want to experiment, it's fine. That's all I'm trying to say. I don't want to take you to some hotel with some guy who's hoping for a hookup and leave you there. I don't want you to end up in a bad situation because you don't have a ride! All I'm saying is that if you're gay, I still fucking love you!"

"I'm not gay!"

He just lifted his hands in defeat. "Bi?"

"Straight," she shot back.

Tyler nodded. "But you never date. You never even try. All you do is get on your computer and game all night. For someone who doesn't leave the house, you're the prettiest guy I've ever met. All the pieces make me think one thing, and I'm fucking tired of pretending like I don't see it. Dad's worried about you. I'm scared you're going to do something stupid again, because every single time you crash, it's right after a long stretch of things being so good."

She wanted to yell. She wanted to scream that it wasn't his business, she was fine, and he was freaking out about nothing, but she couldn't. This was her brother. He was putting himself out there, and she knew just how hard that was. She had to give him something, and she wanted to, but she wasn't quite ready. She just didn't know what to say, but the truth would work.

"I'm trying to figure it out, ok?"

He nodded. "That's fair. Just..." He paused to lick his lips. "Let me be your big brother for a bit? Let me try to be stupid and overprotective and think all the worst things? I'm trying really hard to be cool, but the truth is that I know something's up. Maybe it's not this guy. Maybe it's something else. I don't even care. Just..." He paused to scrub at his face. "Don't shut me out, Ethan."

She nodded. "I leave for Denver soon, you know. One year anniversary of joining the PLG. Well, of trying to."

His eyes narrowed. "Ok?"

So she bit her lips together. "I'm figuring it out, because I want to tell you before I go."

Tyler just nodded. "Then I'll be patient. Now go change. Pretty sure you don't want to wear your GasNGo shirt all night, and you smell like hotdogs."

"Ugh," she groaned, while turning toward the hallway. "Shower!"

He just laughed. "Sometimes you're such a fucking chick, man."

It was almost a shame he couldn't see the smile that put on her lips.

Chapter 10

On the drive over, Rhaven sent Braden a text to let him know she was on her way. He said he'd be waiting in the lobby. The problem was that when Tyler pulled into the parking lot, he didn't stop before the main doors. Nope, he found a space, parked, and then turned the car off. Rhaven's heart immediately started hammering in her chest.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Going to meet this gamer and make sure you have a ride home," he said.

Her mouth flopped open. "No!"

"Oh yeah," he assured her. "Think of this as my responsibility to embarrass the hell out of you."


"Ethan!" he mocked, using the same tone. "I just want to make sure you have a way to get home before I leave. You said he probably had a rental car, so let's make sure he does. If not, then I'll tell Dad you might need a ride. Not a big deal."

"You could just let me drop you off at the party," she offered.

He grunted, clearly not impressed with that idea. "My car, man. I don't mind you borrowing it, but you spend your money on plane tickets around the country. This is the price you pay. Besides, I'm not about to let Alyssa think Copyright 2016 - 2024