For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,24

won't work. The fear that we're going to suck in bed, you know?"

"Really?" she asked.

"Least for me," he said. "Oh, I'm sure there are some guys who would lose it, but I'm willing to bet there are just as many who won't care. I mean, at least your clit's kinda easy to find, right? Men like women. We like them with big boobs or little. With hourglass curves or otherwise. We like to stick our dicks places, and we're not even picky about where. Mouths, vaginas, asses? All of it works. So, yeah, I'd be nervous that I sucked, but that's about it."

"Are you just trying to make me feel good?" she asked.

"Swear to god I'm not," he promised. "If Kate had told me she was trans, I still would've chased her. I like her for who she is, and I'm willing to take all the things that come with it. Braden likes you for who you are."

"He says I'm vulnerable," she mumbled.

"You are," Kate told her. "Rhaven, how many times has this come up when you weren't ready for it? KoG almost outed you, and then when you snapped at Psyc that you had a dick? Sure, you charged in, and we both know you try to throw it in our faces to defend yourself, but it's ok. We get it."

"I don't mean to," Rhaven whispered.

"There's nothing wrong with it," Kate promised. "Sweetie, this is hard for you. Just like it was hard for me to tell Adam that my ex beat the crap out of me. I get it! I swear I do, and it's ok to talk about it with us. Adam and I aren't going to say a thing, and we're certainly not going to judge you for being brave. If you want this, then chase it. If you want him, then take the risk, ok?"

"And if everything goes wrong," Adam added, "we're here for you. No matter what, Rhaven. That's what it means to be my friend."

She could feel her eyes stinging. "I love you both, you know that?"

"We love you back," Kate told her. "You're family, ok? I mean, when I needed help, you offered without expecting anything back. Now you need someone to stand up and give you a lifeline, so I'm doing it. Spend the night with him, Rhaven. Say you got drunk and let your dad complain that it wasn't professional. It doesn't matter if you screw up some fake job interview, right?"

"There's that," Rhaven realized. "Since I wouldn't get this job anyway."

"Exactly," Kate said. "And let things go as far as you want to. There's no rule that says you have to be in love. You just have to be horny and feel safe. That's it."

"And Braden's a good guy," Adam added. "Trust me, I've asked around. Chance says he's not playing you."

She nodded, aware they couldn't see, but it was mostly to psych herself up. "Then I'm doing this. I just... what do I wear?"

"Cute panties," Kate told her. "A sexy bra."

"What goes over that doesn't matter," Adam promised. "You got this, Rhaven. Enjoy it."

Chapter 9

She spent the next morning at work trying to decide how she wanted to look. Braden texted her a few times, making sure they were still on. Rhaven promised him they were, and she was even excited about it. Unfortunately, he didn't flirt. She was pretty sure that was because he didn't want someone to see her screen, but it still made her anxiety ramp up a little too much.

This was happening. Part of her knew the excitement was mostly from having some guy - any guy - be interested in her like that. And yet, she liked Braden. She barely knew him, but what wasn't to like? He was sexy, he was sweet, and he was all man. That he understood her gaming addiction made it even better.

More than all of that, he made her feel special. Being around him made all of her own problems feel a bit distant. For just a moment, she could be normal, as if she didn't have a big secret. Like she wasn't a dork everyone else rolled their eyes at. When she was around Braden, she got to be a kick-ass gamer girl. One of the "in crowd," in a way.

Too many times, she found herself smiling as the memories of the night before ran through her mind. His chest was like a rock. His arms were so thick that she couldn't wrap her fingers around Copyright 2016 - 2024