For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,21

away. "Tell me when I need to stop."

With her hand in his shirt, she just pulled him a little closer. "Not yet."

He murmured in approval, and then his mouth found hers again.

Chapter 8

The kissing moved from the chair to the couch. Rhaven wasn't a short woman, but Braden made her feel dainty. The man had at least four inches on her, and she was pretty sure he was twice as wide. When he held her down against the cushions, she loved it. When his mouth wandered down her neck, she struggled not to moan. But, sadly, she couldn't stay all night. Eventually, they had to cool off a bit.

Braden offered to walk her back down, but she declined. Nope, it was much safer if she left his room alone, not being walked out like a lady. He said he understood, but from the look on his face, he didn't really like it. Then again, she didn't either, but Rhaven couldn't forget the guy working the front desk. She could only imagine how fast the stories would fly through this town, so it was better to be safe than sorry. At least for now.

But as she trudged her way out to the parking lot, she was finally able to imagine coming out to her family. She'd explain that she wasn't gay. The problem was that she wasn't a guy. Tyler would understand being transgender, but her father? She wasn't so sure about that. Yeah, he'd never said anything bad about gays, but he'd also never really said anything good. It was almost as if the entire concept wasn't even on his radar.

Bill Moore was a salt of the earth kind of man. He'd grown up making a living with power tools and drinking beer. Not that there was a problem with either one, but he didn't exactly march for equality or things like that. He cared about making men out of his boys - and that was the part that scared her more than anything. His youngest boy had grown up to become a woman.

What if her father hated her after this? Then again, maybe she should say something before she left for the Denver convention? That would be a good time. She could tell them she was a woman and then leave. They'd have time to think about it, yell about it, and be pissed about it without her around. Then, if they decided they didn't want her to come home, she'd... What?

What exactly was her backup plan? Beg her best friend for help? Sure, Adam was rich, and Kate now got paid enough that she wasn't hurting, but there was a very big difference between asking for advice and asking for money. Kate always said that Paradox was close enough to do those sorts of things for each other, but Rhaven had joined PsychoDreads. She played for the yellow team, not the blue.

Maybe she could just ask Adam for a job. That wouldn't be too bad, and he owned enough hotels that she could get something, even if it was just working on the cleaning crew. From there, she could work her way up. She could get her own place, live as a woman, and then start worrying about changing her name and everything else.

She just had to take the first step: telling her family.

Rhaven barely made it to her car before her phone buzzed with a text. Sliding behind the wheel, she checked the message and a smile sprang to her lips.

Braden: Please tell me I can see you again tomorrow?

Rhaven: I haven't even left the parking lot!

Braden: I know, I'm looking at your car from the window. Please, Rhaven? Maybe a real date? My room, dinner, and no reason to be nervous.

Rhaven: I'm not nervous!

Braden: Liar, but it's kinda cute. So, is that a yes?

Rhaven: YES! I have to work in the morning, but I'm off the day after.

Braden: Well, if you happen to spend the night, I'm ok with that too. In case you missed it, I even have two beds. ;)

Rhaven: Trying to be a gentleman now?

Braden: Something like that. I mean, I won't complain at all if you let me cuddle.

Rhaven: We'll see.

Braden: That's all I can ask. I'm also smiling like an idiot. Now, go home before I come down there for another kiss.

Rhaven: Going!

She dimmed her screen and started the car, but she couldn't stop smiling. Her lips felt swollen from his kisses, the phantom touches still taunting her. She wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2024