For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,152

how you were giving me shit for not getting any dates?" He pointed at her face. "It's because you weren't ready. I didn't want to be listening to someone else talk about her day when all that mattered was hearing you clear a room or storm a base."

"So you're just going to leave?" she asked.

"Tournament's over," he said. "I have a flight home this morning. You're going the other way, Rhaven. You're charging ahead to your future, and there's no room in that for me except as the old friend you used to game with. Rhaven, devs? They don't spend all night tracking their stats and learning new strategies. They spend it making the next big game."

"But..." She lifted her hand to her face, her eyes glistening a bit too much. "Today was supposed to be perfect."

He caught her wrist, pulling her hand down so he could lace his fingers with hers. "It is. Two friends had an amazing night. You have a great boyfriend. You just got an amazing job, made history in the PLG, and you probably made someone out there feel like they shouldn't give up. I got to be with a beautiful woman, and I didn't even fuck it up. Now, we call it all in good fun and reassure each other that we're really just friends, and both of us ignore the fact that we kinda hate that."

"Is it because I have... you know?" She glanced down.

"A dick?" he asked, shaking his head. "No. I don't even know how to explain it, Rhaven, but I don't mind that. I mean, you are gorgeous, even naked and turned on. I have no problem with your body, your mind, your personality, or anything else. My only problem is that this?" He pointed from himself to her and back to him again. "It's not going to work, beautiful. You can't have two boyfriends. You like Braden. You'll love your job. It's a good day, and I'm happy for you."

She pulled her hand free and then tossed her arms around his neck, hugging him so hard. "I hoped I could have it all."

"Not fair to Braden," Psyc told her, kissing the side of her face before pulling back. "There's this saying. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's meant to be." He pushed a smile to his lips, but it felt a little sad. "I care about you enough that I want you happy. Not me happy, Rhaven. You, and this will do it. Go make great games, beautiful. And maybe log into TeamSpeak sometime and tell me how good you are at it, ok?"

"Ok," she breathed. "Just promise me it won't be weird?"

"So far as anyone knows, I just slept on the couch," he promised. "That? What happened last night? It's our secret, and one I have no intention of ruining." Then he cupped the side of her face, leaned in, and kissed her sweetly. "You're still my girl, though."

Then he turned, intending to walk right back out the door, but Braden caught his arm. "I expected you to fight for her."

Psyc just sighed. "I kinda did too. This friend of mine made me realize that just because I want something doesn't mean I have the right to demand it. I'm not going to act like I just have the right, you know?"

Braden offered his hand. "We still cool?"

Psyc took it, gripping Braden's palm as he nodded. "We're cool. Be good to her, though. Trust me, Brae, she's worth it. And if she needs anything. Anything at all..."

"I'll let you know," Braden promised. "Have a safe trip, ok?"

"You too," Psyc said, turning to get one last look at his girl. "Keep him in line, Rhaven. Don't let him give you any shit, ok?"

She just lifted her hand in a weak wave. Psyc had to go. Pulling open the door, he made it to the hall for the second time that morning, but he didn't stop. He couldn't. He had to make it to his room before the pressure in his eyes turned into something he'd have to explain.

He'd just made the biggest mistake of his life, and he knew it. He also knew it was the best decision for her. The threesome had been fun. It had been intense and sexy and so amazing. It also wasn't the kind of thing that could last. And yet, if he had to do it all over again, he wouldn't change a thing.

Because his girl deserved Copyright 2016 - 2024