For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,14

away from the others."

"That waitress isn't going to care," she told him. "Pretty sure she just checked you out."

He ducked his head and chuckled. "Yeah. She's not really my type, though."

"What is your type?"

His tongue darted across his lips. "I like enigmas. I have a soft spot for delicate. Vulnerable gets me in ways you can't imagine, but that always sounds bad."

"I'm not vulnerable," she told him.

His eyes jumped up to meet hers. "Yeah, Rhave, you are. I think everyone is in one way or another. The difference is that most of us aren't brave enough to admit it. You have, a few times. In Columbus, for a start. In Vegas, you did it again. But it's more than one thing. I like how every time Kate gives a speech at the events, you make sure she has a lifeline. Things like that."

"Sounds like you've spent too much time keeping an eye on me," she told him.

His eyes flicked to the side and he smiled. "Probably." But the waitress was walking over with Rhaven's coffee, a full pot, and the menus.

"Here you go," she said. "I'm going to guess you need a few minutes?"

"At least," Braden said. "Don't worry, I tip well for the privacy."

The girl looked at Rhaven. "Sounds nefarious."

Braden answered before Rhaven had the chance to think up some excuse. "Nah. It's just that the company I'm working for is making a game that's going to be hot, and we can't afford any leaks getting out."


He nodded. "Yep. I'm one of the lead developers for Deviant Games. Maybe you've heard of our best seller, Flawed?"

"Oh my god," she breathed. "I love that game! I'm a level seventeen hacker!"

"Nice," he said, offering his hand. "I'm Tank."

And her mouth parted. "Oh, wow. My friends are never going to believe me. Why are you in Prescord?"

"Got stuck, so had to ask a friend for help." He tilted his head to Rhaven. "So, yeah, we might be here a bit."

"Just wave if you need something," the girl told him. Then, with one last smile, she wandered away.

"What are you doing?" Rhaven asked.

Braden flashed her a devious little smile. "I'm making it easy for you to talk to me. I'm doing my best to prove that I'm not here to make things harder for you." Then his eyes dropped down her body again, taking in what he could see over the table. "You're also kinda cute with the whole tomboy thing going on."

She could feel her face heating up. "Why are you like this?"

So he leaned closer, dropping his arms onto the table. "Rhave, I'm a big, strong, manly man. I'm also bisexual. I could pass as straight easily, and did for a very long time. I'd just come out to my team when I got outed online. It sucked. I mean, I still remember my heart stopping when my mother's number came up on my phone, and I was your age at the time."

"How old are you now?" she asked.

"Twenty-seven. You?"

"Twenty-two," she said.

He nodded. "So, five years isn't bad, right? Not gonna think I'm some pedo?"

"No!" But she couldn't stop the laugh. "I just can't figure out why you're so interested in me."

"Because you're real," he said. "You're flawed, and to me, that is a compliment. I also love your eyes. I feel like every time you look at me, I'm going to get lost in them. Mostly, I just enjoy that you actually understand why I'm obsessed with my job, and you can talk about it."

"Yeah, but - "

He didn't let her finish. "Rhave, I don't care, but I get it, ok? You're at that point where you've figured out who you want to be. In getting here, you've realized that it's not going to be easy, but you're still doing it. You're used to being laughed at more than accepted. Trust me, I get it. But there's one thing you can't seem to wrap your mind around." He jerked his chin at her. "This look? It does as much for me as the other. I'm not scared of what is or isn't in your pants. I'm not worried about labels. I like the gamer who tells people to fuck off, loves headshots, and is willing to risk everything to help someone else."

"That's not me," she told him.

He just canted his head. "I happen to disagree, because that's exactly how I see you. Give me a chance, Rhaven? I'm willing to make this a friends thing if that's all I can Copyright 2016 - 2024