For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,132

and all the way to the far wall - Rhaven shot. The first hit Void's neck. The second got his head, but the man was back at full health. Her screen flashed red, showing she'd been hit as well, but it felt like time slowed down to a crawl. Rhaven pulled in a breath, lifted her weapon, and put a bullet right between Void's eyes, not even caring about the hits she was taking. The cursor jiggled, forcing her to compensate for the flinch reaction, the train's movement, and her own. It didn't matter. She got the marker for a hit and heard the ding of a successful kill.

VOID < Rhaven

"Holy shit!" Void gasped from the end of the table.

She wanted to celebrate. That was a kill on Void! But right now, the most important thing was getting the hell out of here, because QQ would be coming to get revenge. Rhaven hit the passenger train, rushed forward, then all the way over to the third train. Like some kind of slalom course, she wove back and forth, moving as fast as she could without making much noise.

Up ahead, a burst of gunfire sounded. There was a pause, then another. She couldn't tell which train, but Rhaven didn't slow down. The third time it happened, the kill spam showed yet another kill.


Which meant the best were still up ahead. Rhaven knew she could do this. She didn't suck. She'd spent too many hours working for this, and today was her chance to prove herself - in so many ways. But from the back of the train, guns could be heard. It was subtle, proving it wasn't close. Just a rattle and a few taps, then the next death popped up.

KNOCK < Cynister

Which meant she was in at least fourth place. She needed one more, though. It didn't even matter who got the kill. And she barely thought it before shots exploded just on the other side of her train car. No, the passenger train! Rhaven headed that way, knowing that whoever lost would be hurting, but she wasn't fast enough to see the kill.


Which meant she was chasing Riley now. Unfortunately, when she hopped into the passenger car, she saw QQ jumping the other way behind her. Riley was headed for the back, which made sense if that was where Knock had died. Rhaven wanted to double back, but she knew better. Chasing QQ was a bad idea. Flanking was much better, and they both needed to be back where Rhaven had started, because it was just the two of them and Cynister left on the map.

Rhaven ran. She used the two freight trains to move down the chain of cars twice, then the middle and the passenger train twice. Once, she was sure she caught Cynister moving between trains, but he was still too far away and not dumb enough to pause in the middle. It was a race, all of them wanting to be the last one standing, and the map gave her no hint of where QQ or Cynister were.

Then a single shot rang out behind her. One car back and over. That was Riley's way of calling them all together, and sure enough, she began typing right after.

[QQ] I'm not running this whole map for an hour trying to find you two.

[QQ] This is now center.

Another shot rang out in the same place.

[QQ] You both ok with centralizing here so we're not wasting our time?

[Rhaven] I'm down for it.

Mostly since that was right beside where she was now.

[Cynister] Give me two seconds. Heading back that way. I've been practicing, Q.

[QQ] Just let us know when you're ready, bro.

For a moment, there was a pause. The clackity-clack was almost comforting. The sway was starting to become natural. Since Rhaven couldn't hear a footstep, she knew that QQ was standing just as still as she was. One single step, and she'd be in third place when the wrath of Riley decided to hunt her next.

[Cynister] Ok, I'm in range. Hold for three seconds after this appears, and then game on!

Rhaven counted in her head. One-Mississippi. Two-Mississippi. Three-Mississippi, and then she took off. Across and back, then over and up, Rhaven tried to be as unpredictable as possible. It worked for almost ten seconds, and then she saw someone move in the train beside her. Turning around, she went back to cross over just as a pistol cracked off a shot.

Right before her, facing the Copyright 2016 - 2024