For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,100

don't screw up."

"Sounds like a plan," Braden agreed.

Void just leaned over his knees, holding a bottle of beer with his fingertips. "Ok, so KoG has her name, her personal information, which can get her private information. Doxxing usually comes next, Rhaven."

"They'll out her," Knock said. "This weekend, that's what will be the chatter in the lobby. I have a feeling it'll get pretty nasty."

"I'll put filters on the worst words," Dez offered. "And not fucking stars. 'Fag' can become 'badass player.' Shit like that."

"Nice," Cynister said, nodding his approval. "But she's going to need shadows. Psyc, don't let her out of your sight."

"Kate and I will help too," Adam offered.

"Guys," Rhaven said. "I'm not that important."

"That's where you're wrong," Riley told her. "The people KoG are targeting all the ones who represent something bigger. I'm the woman who broke the glass ceiling. You're trans. Kate's a woman in a position of power over the events. Dez? She makes our fucking games. We're the icons, Rhaven. I mean, all we need now is a lesbian or a gay man, and I bet they'd be next."

"Why?" Knock asked.

Braden huffed out a laugh. "Because we're the ones giving others hope. Out there on the internet is some girl dreaming about going pro, some person who wants to start their transition but they're terrified it means losing what they have, and I'm pretty sure there's a gay or bi guy who's adamant that he's just friends with some other guy. The ones who need to see it's possible - whatever it is. And we're those examples."

Knock glanced over to Riley. "I kinda think that maybe I should bring Cade to F5."

"Just make sure he's ready for that," she said. "And that you're ready for KoG to hit you the way they've hit the rest of us."

"Fuck KoG," Knock said. "They come at us because we're winning." And he flicked his hand at Rhaven. "Just look at her. I think this is the happiest I've ever seen Rhaven, and that's after they tried to ruin her life, right? Well, let them come after me, because the more pissed they get, the more likely they are to make a mistake."

"It's dangerous," Cyn pointed out.

"You think I don't know that?" Knock asked. "Three guys dead in the yard! I found a bullet hole in the siding just last week. They came to my fucking house, Cyn. They were going to shoot our fucking dog."

"Thanks," Void joked. "Because I wasn't standing in front of Quake or anything."

"Well, you too," Knock added, "but going after a dog is just fucking low, you know? So, this weekend, we're all on Rhaven. Put her in the spotlight, make sure those fuckers know they aren't gonna chase her off, because I'm fucking tired of this shit."

"Where's Ripper?" Cyn asked.

Knock pushed a hand across his mouth. "Um, I think he's crashing with Jeri. Why?"

"Because someone needs to watch the game chats. Flawed, EC, and more. And it needs to be someone who can get me some data."

Knock nodded, shifting so he could pull out his phone. "I'll tell them to get on it. And you?"

"All I need is a link," Cynister told them. "Guys, I can't fucking get to Soul Reaper. I know he's here. Knock and his friends got me a path into the KoG forums, and one with enough access to see how they're organizing. Soul Reaper talks as if he's walking among us, but we have no idea who he is. This man uses a burner phone to keep his gamer identity separate from his instructions as the leader of this group. So, look for people with two phones. People acting strange, as if they don't want to leave a trail. Anything."

"Can you get phone records?" Rhaven asked.

Cyn nodded. "Yeah. Takes a bit, though, so it's all playing after the fact. Why?"

"Because there was a number listed for them. In the paper, I mean."

He sighed. "Yeah, and I got that. Well, my partner does. I know every person who called to get that reward. I also know that it went to a hired phone bank, paid for by a shell company."

"What?" Chance asked, sitting up. "A fucking shell company? So this guy's not some broke gamer. He's got connections."

"He's also as good as me," Cyn admitted.

"Not as good as me," Dez said.

"So teach Knock's friends what they need," he told her. "Dez, I need you clean and unbiased when we take him down. I need to make sure these charges Copyright 2016 - 2024