For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,1

his arms around the girl. "I think someone's got the munchies."

The girl giggled at him. "Shut up! You wanted some too."

"Oh, not complaining. You look cute with a candy bar shoved in your mouth." He paused to kiss the side of her neck before reaching over to swipe his card.

The whole time, Rhaven was putting their assortment of chips and chocolate into a plastic bag. As soon as the card went through, the receipt began to print. That went in as well, and then she passed the whole thing over.

"Have a nice day, you two," she told them.

"Sure, man," the guy replied as the couple turned to leave.

This time, it wasn't the "man" that cut. It was watching him slide his fingers between the girl's without hesitation. She leaned into him so easily. The way they acted was just so natural, so completely comfortable, and very normal. Those two were clearly in love - or at least lust - and adorable about it. The moment they were through the door, the guy wrapped his arms around her again, walking behind her as he whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. It was like they couldn't stop touching, as if there was some invisible string that kept pulling them back together.

That was the kind of love story everyone wanted. Unfortunately, Rhaven only found such things in Kate's books. Love stories didn't happen for people like her. She was a freak most days, a fetish on others, but most often, she was just ignored. Well, at home. At the conventions, it was different, and she smiled as she thought about it.

Murder flirted with her every chance he could. Granted, he had a woman - and a baby due any time now. Psyc was almost as bad, even if he wasn't as smooth about it. Then again, his awkwardness was kinda cute. That guy was so over the top that she could never be sure if he was joking or serious, but she liked that he was willing to try.

Then there was Braden.

Rhaven's teeth found her lips as she thought about him. Guys like Braden Mathis made women turn around to get a second look. He had to be at least six foot four, and he was built like a weightlifter. The man's arms were as big around as Rhaven's thigh! His chest was like a rock, and she knew because she'd leaned up against it a few times. Usually after a few too many drinks.

The man flirted, but she was pretty sure it was all for show. Men like him ended up with the girls like Princess. The pretty ones. The arm candy. Braden could get his pick of the gamer girls - at least those who weren't already taken - so there had to be some other reason he spent so much time talking to her. Some pity-fest, most likely.

She'd pulled out her phone again, and was scrolling through the Deviant Games Instagram. In every picture of him, Braden was surrounded by the ladies. From Dez and Amy through the new developers hired for their latest project, the man had a way with women. His short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes gave him that skinhead look, but he wasn't like that. Braden just had the bad luck to be born as the ideal "super soldier" type of man.

Rhaven was so lost in the pictures that she didn't hear the back door open. Not until Dave's keys dropped onto the counter, making her jump. A little yelp squeaked out, and the asshole laughed.

"You are such a pussy, Ethan," he groaned. "Clock out, cash out, and get the hell out of my way."

"Gladly," she told him.

Thankfully, trading shifts was a pretty easy thing. Rhaven typed in the code to get her cash drawer, then carried that back to the office. There, they had a safe and some paperwork to fill out. Once everything was logged in properly, she clocked out and left. There was no reason to say bye to Dave. The guy was a dick, and he'd figure out she was gone soon enough.

Outside, the sun was high in the sky. The puffy clouds up above were fat, white, and fluffy. The sky was the vibrant blue shade of early afternoon. Turning her feet toward home, Rhaven began walking, following her shadow for the most part. That led her through the Prescord Park, which was mostly a children's playground. Granted, a few too many teens and younger adults hung Copyright 2016 - 2024