William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,9

and already she had white hair. Sophie had promised she would go grey first. It seemed strange to be thinking about something as trivial as her hair when she was trapped in a menagerie of immortal creatures.

Katie was past being scared. For weeks she’d been terrified, but it didn’t matter either way—no one was coming for her. She had resigned herself to the fact that she was going to die.

The man who had brought her here was clearly disappointed. Day after day he came and forced her into a room with a just-turned male werewolf in human form. He would command the man to turn to wolf and…nothing would happen. Nothing mystical, no connection. She would stand and wonder which one would be the one to bite into her neck and end her suffering. She couldn’t even attract a wolf properly.

What was his name again? The one who had taken her? The strange one?

Her mind was screwy these days. She couldn’t remember a lot of things.

She remembered Sophie—at least, she thought she remembered Sophie. She recalled the name but no longer the face. When she said her name, she felt warm and happy. She was sure Sophie was a friend. She hoped she was.

The only person still rooted in her mind, the person who wouldn’t go away, was William.

That vampire who refused to disappear from her thoughts. The vampire who had drained her blood and fed her his. The vampire whom she couldn’t stop thinking about, the one whom she yearned to be with more than anything.

Screams erupted through the room. She turned over on the small bed, placing the only pillow over her ears. The man whom she couldn’t remember, the one who’d taken her…he killed in front of her. The men who refused to touch her, refused to go near her—the man who’d taken her would simply kill them. She felt as though their deaths were all her fault.

A couple of the men had come to her and kissed her but nothing had happened. What did the man want? A medal for how undesirable she was becoming?

What is he waiting for? For all of my hair to turn white?


Is that my name now?

She wasn’t sure. Was her name Katie? The fuzziness was back.

Seconds later she heard her cage open. Someone grasped her upper arm, jerking her from the bed.

Katie screamed in pain and shot a ball of fire from her palm. She cried as the man holding her bit down on her arm, his canine teeth stopping any further attack from her. Katie welcomed the agony. It let her know she was still alive and not lost in limbo.

“William,” she gasped.

She was pushed to the floor.

“William, help me,” she yelled. She fought the hands holding her down.

“Fuck. The bitch burnt me,” one of her captors complained.

“Just give me the shot,” growled the one who had bitten her.

A pinch to her buttock, then sweet heaven, whatever they’d given her allowed her to zone out for a little while.

Clouds drifted over her, slow and beautiful. During these moments, everything became clear as she was whisked away into a sea of open arms, loved and protected.

Whenever they did this, her mind always sought refuge in thoughts of William.

“James will not be pleased,” said the one with the syringe, throwing it into the cage.

“She’s still fighting—at least she isn’t dead,” the other replied.

They picked up her body and moved her out of the prison cell. Their other captives glared at them with disgust.

They watched her for days, taking her away, then bringing her back feeling exhausted and close to death.

She heard her captors talking amongst themselves.

“The witch could bring normality back to all of our lives.”

“The sedative had to be increased.”

“It’s not our place to question what we’re told.”

“I can’t help but feel we’re doing something wrong, trying to use her as some sort of mating queen.”

The guy holding her stopped and glared at his companion.

“You either drop that thought or risk the death penalty. Questioning our leader will get you killed. James is doing what is good for the pack. Either jump on board or fucking answer to him, Blake.”

“I didn’t sign on for this shit.” Blake shook his head as he followed them into the room and Katie was placed on the bed.

James was waiting for them, watching as they settled her down.

“Please tell me, why she is unconscious?”

“She burnt me.”

“It’s already mending.” James sounded scornful.

“It still hurts like hell.”

“So the little minx still has some power? Leave us.”

Katie knew,

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