William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,42

back down. His cock was slippery with her saliva.

“I want inside you,” he growled and, using that super vampire speed, he had her on her back and was embedded deep inside her before she had a chance to answer.

She laughed. “I was enjoying tasting you.”

“You can taste me any other time but I need to feel you now.” And he did.

William shocked her by changing position. He got her on her knees at the edge of the bed. “I’m going to show you everything.” He pressed his cock against her cunt from behind, the position wicked and exciting. When the tip stayed inside her, her grabbed her hips with his hands and, with more force than she was prepared for, he thrust inside her. She moaned and William growled. He dug his fingers into the flesh of her hips. She liked the way he was using her body, going as deep as he could, making her writhe from the sensation. It felt dirty and sexy and she loved it. He took them both to new heights neither had ever known existed.

They collapsed in a heap.

“Wouldn’t that be cool if we just made a baby,” Katie whispered into his ear. He groaned as he ground his hips against her. His cock already growing again at the thought of her being full and pregnant with his child.

“I’m keeping you forever,” he told her.

“You promise?” she asked.

“You are my life.”

They kissed, happy, at least in this moment where they were together and whole, perhaps with a new life starting within her body.

A precious piece of life—an extension of their love.


“What shall we do, sir?”

James looked at his minion, the lowlife not fit to be part of his new order. “I want those fucking Valentines destroyed and I want it doing now.”

The rest of the pack remained silent, waiting for him to give them their orders. He winced as the blood continued to trickle from his neck, refusing to congeal. He was dying, unless he could find the cure for a fucking pure-blood vampire bite.

The dirty vermin. They all needed to be destroyed.

“They’re searching for the original alpha, sir,” one of the human minions said from the floor.

James turned on her. “How do you know this?” he demanded.

The minion twisted her fingers together.

“I work as their cleaner. I’m seen and not heard, sir.”

James laughed, laughed and kept on laughing.

“Well, it looks like we have our entrance. I want those Valentines at my feet and then they’ll rue the day they questioned me.” James thought of the satisfaction he would feel to see all of the vampires killed. Annihilated.

Once he held the key, he would hold all the power, and he would use it. No one would defy him.

“Orders, sir?”

“Release Lewis to me.”

“Yes, sir.”

The minion scampered off. Lewis—the first and last son of the original alpha. Too bad the kid thought James was his father, and he was about to use him to his full potential.

James wanted the power so much that he would use anything at his disposal and he would use it as he saw fit.

“I’m here, father,” Lewis said as he came into the room. James could see the aura of power that surrounded him. The true Alpha was staring right at him. He growled and snapped.

It was time to remove the Valentine women from the equation.

James smiled viciously.

Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

The Valentines


Sam Crescent



The Council of Vampires, somewhere in Beyer West.

“You will allow this match to go through.”

Robert Valentine glanced over at his father—head of the Valentine Corporation and leader of his family—feeling bewildered and angry.

“It is just another human family on the verge—”

“I don’t care,” his father yelled at him across the room.

Robert watched his mother flinch. His three brothers turned away, not wanting their father’s wrath directed at them. Robert understood. These were perilous times and his father had no room in his life for arguments. His two sisters were not even allowed access to the Council’s chambers. Instead, old traditions said they must remain outside at all times. One day, Robert wished to banish the old ways and start afresh. Rose and Dawn were equally affected by what happened in this place as he was.

Robert looked at his father. He respected him but there were times when he despised the way in which the man worked. The laws that governed their society were archaic. If they didn’t change their ways soon, Robert believed it would get them all killed.

“What have they offered?” Robert asked, trying to take some

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