William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,32

guy’ is older than life itself. The use of using his name in curses means as little to him as…Pluto suddenly being called a moon instead of a planet.”

Katie held up her hands.

“What you are seeing is a window into the other life. Katie’s last moments of life. Your last moments,” Tara said.

The battle she had just had with Emma came flooding back to her, along with the pain in her chest. Katie placed a hand over her heart.

“Ah, it’s starting to grow. Move your gown aside and check.”

Katie really wasn’t keeping up with the flow of conversation, but she moved her gown aside anyway. A tiny tree was tattooed on her chest.

“What is it?”

“The sacrificial tree of life. Sort of Adam and Eve’s theme. Whoever wears that tattoo carries the symbol of a great warrior who has sacrificed herself in battle. She represents a chance for the world to start again and run smoothly.”

The last moments of the battle started to play in the seeing window, freezing as the image of Katie turned to William.

“You defeating Emma restored balance between the good—being you—and the bad—being Emma. The death of two sides.”

“Where is Emma?”

“Rotting in hell, burning for all the sins she committed. Even Lucifer doesn’t like people messing up the balance.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on.”

“I’ll tell you, but no interruptions.”

Katie nodded.

“My job, as one of the All-Seeing Angels, is to watch over the immortal races. I’ve been paying attention to the Valentines, as they play an important part in the coming battles and wars of the twenty-first century. To put it simply, they will decide the outcome of this battle between good and evil. I know it’s a cliché, but still, it seems that no matter what, every few hundred years or so, some party tries to ruin the balance set out by the gods and so a war happens, wiping out and destroying equal numbers on both sides. With me so far?”

Katie nodded.

“Excellent. William Valentine holds a key role in this fight, as do you.”

“But I’m dead.” Should she feel a little freaked by that?

“Exactly. You’ve messed with my plan. Well, not you specifically—that little glitch can be found with Emma who is now in hell and probably surrounded by lots of fire. I need you back on Earth.”


“Wow. You really need it spelling out for you. William is useless without you—in fact he is set on a path that will likely kill him and the rest of the Valentine crew, knocking out the balance, screwing up the existence of every immortal on the planet.”

“They’re immortals, how bad could it be?”

“Okay, the reason there is a balance is because the planet can only sustain so much life force at one given time. It must balance to keep things working sustainably. You’ve heard of global warming, the economic crashes and breakdowns? It’s all building to this battle.”

“What have I got to do with William?”

Tara huffed. “Show William,” she commanded the mirror.

Katie looked into the glass at the moment that her image fell into his arms. She saw the pain and sorrow. The begging and pleading as he asked for her to be returned to him.

Katie moved closer as the scene before her changed. Her body lay in a white coffin. He stood stroking her hair back from her head. She heard the faint whispers of his voice as he spoke to her empty body.

“It’s all because of him. After tonight, I’ll join you, sweet cheeks. Wherever you are, I’ll be with you.”

Katie felt tears well and fall. He sounded so calm and serious as he leant down, kissed her cold lips and left.

“What does it mean?” she asked the angel.

“William is about to go and kill James. He believes it’s all the wolves’ fault.”

“Why can’t he kill him?”

“It is not James’ time. You don’t get it—things need to happen, revelations and justice must be served, but not like this. William Valentine will die tonight if you don’t save him.”

“I’m dead, how can I help?” Katie was panicking. Her chest hurt when she thought of William dying. She could cope with the thought of him moving on without her, living his life with happiness and love, but not with this.

She’d never wanted this.

“I need you to clip your wings and agree to go back into your body.”

“I can’t do that. My body is dying.”

“You are William Valentine’s destined soul mate. You can be reborn back into your own body, but it’ll hurt like hell…and there’ll be a catch,” Tara

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