William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,15

moved his hands and lips down her body, her nipples his next target. William circled each bud before nibbling on it with his teeth. So full—beautiful and perfect.

He kissed down past her belly. Her tummy quivered and he bit into her flesh. His hands went from her rib cage and down to the smooth flesh of her thighs. Opening her wide, he gazed down at her innocent pussy glinting at him. The scent of her arousal permeated the air.

“You’re going to love me for the rest of your life,” he promised. Seconds later, he swiped his tongue from her entrance all the way up to her delicious little clit. Her taste exploded on his tongue and he growled in satisfaction. Katie White was his for the taking. Her fingers gripped his head.

William pulled away. “When you’re spread on my bed I’ll lick you until your cum explodes on my tongue.”

“What about you? I want to see you,” she begged.

He needed to release himself. In one smooth move he got to his feet and dropped his trousers. His cock stood out, firm and hard. He moaned as she licked her lips.

William took his shaft in hand and stroked himself, the tip leaking his pre-cum. He gazed down at her weeping pussy and groaned. It would be so easy to put his chivalry to bed and take her, here and now. But he couldn’t. He’d promised her and forcing himself to wait would be the greatest torture and provide him with the biggest need. No other woman would stand a chance.

He went back to her side and watched as she moved her fingers over his where he held his dick.

“Do you want to touch me?” he asked.

Katie nodded, not moving her eyes from his cock. William released his hold and allowed Katie to grasp him.

“I don’t want you to lick me,” she said. “I want you to play with me while I’m playing with you. Only, I want you to tell me what you want to do to me.”

She was slowly killing him. Her innocence astounded him. Did she have any idea how erotic she sounded?

He cupped her sex and ran his fingers over her creamy clit. She’d asked this of him and he’d give her it. She ran her hands up and down his shaft.

“I’m going to get you on my bed. Tie you up so you’ve got nowhere to go. Your legs wide, showing your wet cunt. I’ll make you wait and beg for it and then I’ll make you come so hard you’re screaming with pleasure.”

William circled her clit and ran down to her centre. He didn’t enter her. The taking of her virginity would happen in his bed. With warmth and caring and knowing that when she woke up he’d still be there, waiting for her.

“I bet you’d love to suck my cock. Maybe I’ll make you do it. In my house, where I made you mine. Would you like that?”

She grunted.

“I want your mouth on me. When you’re dripping and ready I’ll take your virginity and treasure it for all eternity.”

He fingered her pussy and watched as she came apart, her release sending his cock jerking and spilling his seed onto her body. They cried out in completion and when the feelings subsided, he wanted to do it all over again.

Katie lay panting in his arms. “That was amazing.”

“It was merely a taste of much more to come,” he said.

“Please, come and find me, William. I need you.”

“I’m here.”

Then harsh reality thrust in.

A ringing in the distance.

“Shit, not now,” William protested.

“What is it?” she asked, the laughter dimming in her eyes.

William was about to answer…when he disappeared.

He woke to the ringing of the telephone.

Chapter Four

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Adam held the struggling female as he marched her into the Valentines’ house. His youngest sister, Rose, stood waiting for him.

“Robert is waiting in the study for you,” she informed him, moving away.

“How’s Mum?” he asked, holding on to the squirming woman to stop her from escaping.

Rose sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “She’s coping as best as she can. She misses Dad and the peace he brought.”

“Where’s Dawn?” Dawn was another sister, younger than him but older than Rose.

“Out. No one knows where she goes these days.”

Adam nodded and dragged the necromancer down the hall to the study. He didn’t bother to knock. He opened the door to see some of the council members and his brother Jason.

“Where’s William?” Robert demanded as soon as he

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