William (The Valentines) - By Sam Crescent Page 0,13

and stepping into the darkness.

William followed her all the way through to the centre, not talking but remaining a constant presence for her to turn to if she needed him.

“This is Beyer Forest.”

William glanced around before he settled his gaze on her. “What has this place got to do with anything?” he asked her. It was just a forest like any other. Trees, whole, shattered and broken dotted the ground, along with a lot of surface plants.

She ran her hands through her hair and he noticed the streaks of white in contrast to the rich, dark brown strands that reminded him of amber honey. He reached out and touched her.

Electricity shot up his arm, making his body tingle. His head snapped back as the connection with her locked into place. His mind processed scenes as they ran through Katie’s mind.

She was here with Sophie. Scared, tired and feeling alone. He saw it all—the snapped piece of wood, the fear and the first awakening of her power.

He also saw the shadow of a wolf, which Katie and Sophie had overlooked.

William severed the connection, looking at the forest around him. There was something missing—something he should be understanding.

“You created this in my world.” Never before had he heard of a mate, human or otherwise, being able to manipulate their vampire partner’s own personal universe. She had imprinted her experiences onto the sanctuary of his world.

“What do you mean?” she whispered, standing close to him.

William inhaled her fragrance. She smelt like ripe peaches and honey. Sweet and juicy.

“You’re so beautiful.” He tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, enjoying the touch of the silky strand. William wanted to run his fingers through her hair, wanted to awaken her the way she’d awoken him. After years of feeling nothing but death and thoughts of bitter revenge, he now had a light, shining brightly. A light telling him to move on, to move forward and embrace this new future awaiting him. Katie was his and he would never forget it.

Katie blushed and chuckled.

“You don’t like me,” she teased as she moved against him. William reached out to her, circling her slender waist with his arms.

“No, I don’t, you’re a pain in the arse,” he said, his body responding to her closeness. He leant down and pressed his lips against her head. “But I could never hate you.” His breath fanned the hair on her head. William heard her sigh, then felt her slump against him, defeated.

“I’m so sorry,” she cried against him.

He held her as the tears began to fall. His only regret was that he was holding a shadow of her and not the true, human form.

“Nothing to be sorry about.” He soothed her—or at least tried to.

“If I hadn’t sent Sophie to the council, then I wouldn’t be here now and your father wouldn’t have been killed.”

William tightened his hold. He didn’t want to hear those words. Words of guilt and regret. He wished with all his heart that when he woke up she would still be there, so he could show her how much he loved her.

Katie had got under his skin. He needed her; craved her. He loved her. It seemed impossible but he knew it was true. A short time was all it had taken for him to become hooked. Katie was like an addiction he didn’t want to give up.

This little witch had given him something to fight for.

“If you hadn’t done all those things, you could have already been dead.” His heart hurt just from speaking the thought aloud.

Katie sobbed harder in his arms. He held her as his heart broke.

“Where are you, Katie? Where are they keeping you?” He asked the questions he would give his life to know the answers to.

He was desperate, now. Having her in his arms had given him a new desire to find her and a new hope that he would.

“I don’t know,” she screamed. “Find me, please, William. I can’t last much longer.”

Taking her face between his hands, he stared at her.

“Look at me, Katie. Don’t give up. I swear I’m coming for you. I’m going to find you and when I do I’ll kill the fucking bastard myself.” William made her stare at him, so she could see how serious and determined he was.

“I’m dying, William,” she croaked, looking down at the ground.

William tensed. With her white hair and the weight loss, he’d known she was close to losing the battle.

Tilting her head up, without saying another word,

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