Wildflower Ridge - Sherryl Woods Page 0,140

need them to buy the idea that we’re desperately in love.”

“How do you suggest we convince them of that?”

“Oh, I have a few ideas. Just try not to bolt for the door when I put them into action.”

If anything, she looked more worried than ever. “Cord, I don’t think—”

Fortunately she was cut off by the ringing of the doorbell. “I’ll get it,” he said, anxious to escape before she started analyzing their plan to death. “You try to muster up one of those zillion-kilowatt smiles.”

“Yeah, right,” she muttered as if she had nothing in the world to smile about.

“Remember to show off your ring.” He shook his head as she glanced down at her hand as if she’d never noticed the ring before.

“Oh, dear God,” she murmured.

He bent low and planted a kiss on her that brought the color back into her cheeks. He nodded with satisfaction. “Better. You’re starting to look like a woman who’s been in the kitchen messing around with her fiancé.”

Leaving her looking as if she’d been poleaxed, he went off to answer the door. He found Dani on the porch, her expression vaguely troubled. The frown lines deepened at the sight of him.

“You’re here,” she said as if that confirmed her worst fears.

“Come on in. I figured you’d be the first one on the scene once the word started spreading. All you had to do was walk around the corner of the house. Come to think of it, I’m surprised you didn’t bolt straight through the connecting doorway.”

She did not seem to find his remarks amusing. “Is it true?” she demanded, clearly prepared to defend her cousin’s honor if necessary.

Cord regarded her innocently. “Is what true?”

“Did you buy my cousin an engagement ring earlier today?”

Interesting that she chose that, rather than the implications of the ring to focus on. “Is that some sort of a crime?”

She scowled at him. “Did you?”

“Why don’t you go in the kitchen and ask Sharon Lynn that? I’ll pour you a glass of champagne. You look as if you could use it.”

She hesitated, her concern shifting quickly to shock. “Champagne?”

“Nonalcoholic, of course.”

She waved off his explanation. “No, I meant it sounded as if you were celebrating. Am I interrupting?”

“Dani, something tells me you’re just the point man. I pretty much figure the entire clan will be here before the night’s out. We’re just prepared, that’s all.”

“Yes, I can see why you would be.” She walked past him and went into the kitchen, her eyes widening at the sight of all the food on the table. Dismissing it, her gaze went at once to Sharon Lynn who was standing by the sink with her hands behind her back.

“I hear you’ve had an interesting day,” Dani said lightly. “Anything unusual happen?”

Sharon Lynn’s gaze wavered, sought his, then she drew in a deep breath and held out her hand.

“Oh, my,” Dani murmured, taking her hand to examine the ring. “Then it’s true? You two are engaged?”

As if she still couldn’t quite manage to say the words aloud, Sharon Lynn merely nodded.

“This is a little fast, isn’t it? Are you sure you’re ready to take a step like this?” Dani asked, then turned to Cord. “No offense to you.”

He offered a wry smile. “None taken.”

“Sharon Lynn,” Dani persisted. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” she said at last.

Her cousin seemed to accept that. “Well, of course, this is only an engagement ring,” she said thoughtfully. “You haven’t set a date for the wedding yet, have you?”

“As soon as we can take care of the paperwork,” Cord told her, giving her a look that dared her to argue with the plan. He crossed the room to stand beside Sharon Lynn, sliding an arm around her waist. “We’re anxious to get on with it, aren’t we, darlin’?”

Dani looked shell-shocked. So did Sharon Lynn, if the truth were told. He figured another kiss ought to get that color back into her cheeks again. With a wink for Dani, he slowly lowered his head to touch his lips to Sharon Lynn’s. The kiss lasted no more than an instant, but he knew if he had to put on the same display for every member of the family, the total—and the effects—were going to add up. He wasn’t at all sure his poor body could take it.

“Aren’t you going to congratulate us?” he asked quietly, forcing himself to focus on their guest. Maybe if they could convince her this was a love-match, she’d help with the others.

“Well, of course, I’m happy

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