Wildest Dreams - By Rosanne Bittner Page 0,265

in private. It just seems as though... I don't know... it shouldn't be in front of everybody. That's why I didn't give it to you the other day when all the other presents were opened."

Tyler took the package. "You didn't need to do this. I guess you know I haven't bothered getting anything for anyone."

"It's all right. Everybody understands. Just having you here in the house and on good terms with Nathan is all the Christmas present your mother and father need. It's all any of us needs."

Tyler ran a hand through his thick hair. "I've been a real ass this past year. I'm sorry, Alice."

"No one knows how they will behave in time of grief, Ty."

Again his eyes raked her body. "I hurt you a lot, didn't I? We were close. I guess you figured it would lead to something more. And then Ramona came along. How can you talk about her without any hatred in your voice? Most women would have wanted to scratch her eyes out."

She blinked back tears that wanted to come because of the hurt. "You loved her. I can't hate someone who meant that much to you." What did he mean about her figuring it would lead to something more? Did he mean it never would have, even if Ramona had not come along? She felt a disappointment that brought a sick feeling to her stomach. Had all her waiting been for nothing?

Ty sat down on the bed and opened the package, which contained a gold watch and chain. "This is a very fine watch, Alice. You shouldn't have done this."

She felt her face growing hot. "I wasn't sure... when we first came out here... I would even get the chance to give it to you."

He held it up and studied it, shaking his head. "It's too much."

"Not for you."

He sighed and set the watch aside. "Come here, Alice."

He patted a place beside him on the bed. "Go close the door first."

Why did her legs suddenly seem frozen in place? Was it proper for her to go sit on a bed with a man in his own room? Part of her wanted to run to him and throw her arms around him, to be wild and free the way Ramona could be, but she was also afraid. Maybe he didn't even want what she hoped he wanted. Maybe he was going to break her heart and her hopes, and he wanted the door closed so that the others could not hear her crying. She swallowed, finally found her legs and turned to close the door. She moved to the bed, stood there rigid for a moment. He took hold of her wrist and pulled at her, and she sat down beside him then, looking at her lap.

"You're a good woman, Alice."

Here it came. He was going to let her down easy. She had made a total fool of herself the other day telling him how much she loved him, that she wanted him to be the one to make a woman of her.

"I've probably always loved you and didn't even know it," he said then.

Her surprise at the remark made her raise her eyes to meet his handsome blue ones. "Love me?"

"You've been patient, kind, faithful. I know now that everybody else was right. As much as I loved Ramona, she never would have been completely happy; and maybe after a while I wouldn't have been either. We loved and wanted each other so much, but we were worlds apart in every other way. You and I, we've always been friends." He put a big hand to the side of her face. "But never lovers. Maybe it's best that the friendship comes first." He studied her lovingly. "And maybe we've been just friends long enough."

Her eyes spilled over with tears so that his face was just a blur. "Oh, Ty, I've loved you for the longest time," she whispered.

He came closer, and in the next moment his full lips were consuming her mouth in a warm, tender kiss unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her own passion overflowed then, and she returned the kiss with great hunger, flinging her arms around his neck. His kiss grew deeper, and he laid her back on the bed, moving on top of her, running a big hand over her ribs to her breast, gently fondling it through her clothes. He moved his lips to her neck.

"Oh, Ty, I love you so," she repeated. "I've wanted you to

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