Wildest Dreams - By Rosanne Bittner Page 0,228

for the thought. The girl sat there unsmiling, and he nodded to her. "Hello. I'm Tyler, Nathan's half brother." He still did not like admitting to people in town that his "Indian" brother was coming home; but for the moment he was glad, for one reason. That reason was sitting on a pinto horse looking back at him.

"I am Ramona," she answered in a small voice. Ramona wondered if the young white man watching her knew what she was thinking—that she had never seen a white man before who stirred odd new urges deep at her insides. What a fine-looking man this Tyler was, with eyes much bluer than Nathan's, and such a handsome smile! He was big and strong looking, a fine specimen of a man, for being white.

"Welcome to the Double L," Tyler told her. "My pa had a house built for you and Nathan and his family." He pointed to a log cabin about a half mile down the hill from the main house.

She glanced at the cabin, seemingly unimpressed. "This is my own horse," she said. "Her name is Star." She patted the horses's neck proudly.

"Looks like a fine horse," Tyler told her, looking the animal over. His eyes kept going back to her own slender calf and bare foot. He finally moved his gaze to meet her stirring dark eyes. "We've got plenty of horses here on the Double L. If you'd like to try riding any of them, I'd be glad to show them to you, take you out riding and show you the Double L."

"The Double L?"

"That's what we call the ranch—for my pa and ma— Luke and Lettie."

She held her chin proudly. "I see. Two L's. I know all my letters, you know. I have had some of the white man's schooling at the reservation, but Nathan would not let them send me to the Indian school in the land of the rising sun. Many children go there and never come back."

They were interrupted then by a round of introductions by Lettie. She told one of the men to ride and get Katie and Brad and tell them to come for supper if possible. "Katie has a new two-month-old son," she told Nathan, "so now there are five grandchildren! Luke had a house built for you. Oh, I wish he was here, but he's in Helena meeting with the territorial legislature. We've petitioned the government to make Montana a state, but they say it could take up to five years."

She wondered why she was rattling on about something for which Nathan probably didn't give a damn. Why was she so nervous? She still held Julie, and Nathan picked up little Luke and handed him over. "I will take Julie so you can hold your grandson for a moment."

Lettie took heart from the fact that Nathan was smiling. He seemed genuinely happy to be here. She handed Julie to him and took Luke into her arms. "Oh, Nathan, they're such beautiful children!" She asked Sven to unhitch the wagon and put up the horses.

"Them horses belongs to the army, ma'am," Sergeant Reeves said, dismounting. "The only thing White Bear owns is the wagon and what's inside it."

It seemed strange to hear Nathan referred to as White Bear. Apparently on the reservation he had continued to use his Indian name. "Well, we'll still put them up for you. You can take your own horses to the barn and get them brushed down."

Ramona spoke up firmly. "This horse is mine. I will take care of her myself."

Lettie looked up at the girl. She had not even had a chance to talk to her yet, but she realized it must be Ramona. She saw the defensive look in the girl's eyes, knew she was a little bit afraid. She handed Luke to his mother and walked up to Ramona, putting out her hand. "I am Nathan's mother. Welcome, Ramona."

Ramona looked down at her hand, finally deciding to grasp it for a quick handshake. "This is my horse," she repeated.

For some reason the girl seemed very defensive of her small pinto. Lettie let go of her hand and petted the horse's neck. "And a fine horse it is, Ramona. You are welcome to ride down to the barn and take care of her yourself. Anything we have is yours to use." She glanced at the Double L men standing nearby, reading their thoughts. No matter how beautiful Ramona was, they still resented having Indians on the Double

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