Wildest Dreams - By Rosanne Bittner Page 0,210

are some things money can't buy." He thought how beautiful his wife looked this morning. "Like the love of a woman who belongs to someone else."

She smiled sadly. "Luke, that is in the past."

"Not for Nial. He doesn't love Chloris the same way he loved you, probably still loves you."

She walked back to the desk. "Well, that's all beside the point now."

Is it? Luke wondered. He had no worries about Lettie, but he could not quite get over the fact that another man had tried to steal his wife, and that man probably still loved her. In spite of what Nial had suffered, Luke could not totally sympathize with the man. He would never be able to forgive him for thinking his money and title gave him the right to take what belonged to another, nor the fact that the man had used their son's death as an opening to take advantage of Lettie. He had no doubt that Nial never loved Chloris the way a man should love his wife. She was just a replacement for Lettie, and now that she could not give Nial children, she would be even less important to him.

Lettie looked over at her husband, knew by his eyes what he was thinking. Nial still loved her. She knew it in her own heart, but it was something they never talked about anymore. She hated Luke's father for instilling in him a feeling of worthlessness and insecurity that continued to make him worry about men like Nial, and that had caused him to work himself nearly into the grave just to prove himself. And she hated the man for never answering any of Luke's letters and for never coming to see the magnificent ranch his son had built. "I love you, Luke. A couple of weeks ago I thought I had lost you. Please do what the doctor says and take it easy this winter. I need you."

He grinned. "Come here, woman."

She walked back over to him, and he put out his arms. She sat on his lap and rested her head against his shoulder. He embraced her, moving one hand over her breasts lightly.

"This is all your fault, you know."

"Oh? Why is that?"

He kissed her hair. "You remember what we were doing the day of the fire. You had me all worn out before I even went to dig that trench. You've got to quit being so man hungry, Lettie Fontaine."

She laughed lightly. "We both know whose idea it was to go playing in the bushes like a couple of children." She turned her face up, and their lips met in a gentle kiss. Lettie felt the possessiveness as the kiss lingered and grew deeper. He was reminding her that she belonged to Luke Fontaine, trying to assure her that in no time he would be strong as ever. His collapse had devastated his pride. Didn't he know that in her eyes there was no one stronger or more manly than he? She had had her own taste of possessiveness, had seen how other women looked at her husband, and not just the single ones.

"Maybe we should go upstairs and see if I can—"

Lettie got up off his lap. "Luke Fontaine! It's almost lunchtime. I will not have everyone in this house looking for us and knowing what's going on. Besides, you're supposed to rest."

"Might make me heal faster."

She cast him a chastising glance. "Don't try playing on my sympathy. For the next few months you are under my command. Someday you will be spending part of your time in Helena, maybe even as governor of the new state of Montana, fighting for whatever Montana needs. You've got to prepare yourself. Use the winter to do some reading up on how our government works. Katie can probably help you find the right books."

He grinned and shook his head. "You're determined that's going to happen, aren't you?"

She faced him, her hands on her hips. "There is no better man in this territory for the job, nor one more deserving. And when you become governor, I will be the most envied woman in Montana, just because I'm the handsome Luke Fontaine's wife." She felt her blood warm at the way his blue eyes raked over her.

"You'll be envied because you'll be the most beautiful governor's wife Montana will ever have. You'll make up for all my lack of class. If I ever do become territorial delegate, or even governor, it will be because of you." He

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