Wild Like Us - Krista Ritchie Page 0,114

bicep, more seriously. “Be honest, am I a shitty kisser? Because I’ve only kissed…” I trail off at the unspoken, awkward thing.

I’ve only kissed three guys, and one of them happens to be dating me too.

Banks tenses, under-fucking-standably. With an exhale, he pushes through that awkward bit, and I love him for it.

My heart palpitates again.

“You’re not a shit kisser. I think if two people are feeling each other, it’s harder for the kiss to be bad.” His confidence edges along that crooked, sexy smile. “I’ve had enough bad kisses to know that kissing you is like a touchdown during a Super Bowl.”

I breathe in. “That’s a good line.” I eye his lips, my pulse drumming.

“First time I’ve used it.” He nods to me. “And it’s true.”

My whole body is vibrating in desire, in want. Turned on like a million-watts, and I ache for his rough grip, wanting him to explode forward.

Just as he moves in, the door unlocks.

Akara is frozen, keys in his hand. Like he walked in on Banks taking my virginity. That did not happen, but it’d be a royal fucking lie to say I haven’t thought about him inside me.

But I’ve also thought about Akara inside me too.

My heard is whirling, and I’m still turned on. Quickly, Banks and I scramble up to our feet together. “We’re going to the hot springs, Kits.” I toss the backpack at him.

It thuds at his chest and falls.







I’ve seen them flirt before. Shit, I’ve seen Banks eat her out already. Jealousy claws at my heels, but I kick it away fast.

I’m hanging onto my relationship with Sulli. Confident in my feelings for her and her feelings for me and what we share. Regardless of what she has with Banks.

I clear a pit in my throat. “I just ran into Jane.” I pocket my keys. “She asked me if I wanted to crash in Charlie’s RV tonight. So you two could have privacy.”

Sulli rests a hand over her face, hiding from the train wreck I just experienced. “Oh my fucking God,” she mumbles. “Jane.” She drops her hand with a sigh. “Now I feel badly about complaining about the bride-to-be—who is so fucking rad that she’d try to orchestrate a way to get me alone time with the guy she knows I like.”

Banks can’t hold in a smile.

“Now how is this fair?” I ask him. “You don’t see Charlie trying to whisk you to his RV so I can have alone time with her.”

“No,” Banks says, “he’s just the one who’ll probably tweet to the world, Akara and Sulli are in a relationship.”

He has a point.

Still, I’m envious that Jane is playing wing-woman to Banks and Sulli. While I’m scrounging in the depths of every hell trying to find time with Sul. At this point, if a demon said they could give me an extra hour with her, I’d be willing to pay any price.

But I also hate knowing I might’ve taken something from Sulli and Banks. Why am I not jumping for fucking joy that I cut their little floor-flirting thing short? What’s wrong with me? I should be so happy that I interrupted them when I have deep feelings for her.

You care about them, Nine.


And I also just want to be here. I’ve wanted to be here with her all day, and I’ll even take Banks here with us. “So hot springs?”

Sulli comes closer. “Wait, what’d you tell Jane?”

“That I love eating string beans.”

Sulli slugs my side. “Kits.”

More deeply, I say, “I told her that I need to protect Sulli, and I’m not going anywhere.”

Sulli inhales a lungful. I know I might need to reassure her more than Banks will have to, since I constantly have to step out, but I could live forever just coming back and reminding her, telling her, showing her how much I care.

How much I desire her.

Need her.

Sulli moves a step closer to collect the backpack at my feet. The trailer is so small that her body wedges between ours. Shit.

Her skin feels hot.

I’m hot.

Her eyes roam me and him.

My gaze journeys over her six-foot athletic build. Blood pumping down to my cock. My muscles flex, and I glance over at Banks.

He’s giving her the longest once-over, then his gaze lifts to mine. We’re wondering the same thing: are we going to do this again?

Why wouldn’t we?

The moment decrees go for it. Out here, the three of us are leading with zero inhibition. No constraints.

I can only find one reason to stop:

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