Wild Thing - Michelle Hercules Page 0,85

She was in her apartment, praying to a strange statue. There was a symbol painted on the wall too.”

“What kind of symbol?” The man takes a step forward, narrowing his eyes.

She shakes her head. “I can’t remember the details anymore. It wasn’t a pentagram, that’s for sure, but the color was red.”

“Blood?” I ask.

“I’m not sure. Maybe.”

Ryker passes a hand over his face. “If Elena is worshipping a demon, we need to know what kind.”

“Wait. Are you saying the witch Aurora made a deal with is messing with demonic magic?” I get up from the couch, the fear for her safety giving me a burst of energy.

“Most likely.”

Aurora pulls her hair back. “Fuck. If I could see her through this sickening link, then I have to expect she can see me too. You have to do something about her.”

“She has been extremely clever covering her tracks. Using the grimoire as bait is our best chance. You need to gain access to it,” the man retorts.

“The only way I can do that is if I marry Calvin!”

“What? That’s your fucking plan?” I yell. “Aurora is not marrying anyone but me.”

Ryker’s eyebrows shoot to the heavens while his eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were secretly engaged.”

Heat creeps up my face. To hide my embarrassment, I run a hand through my hair, dropping my chin.

A knock on the door saves me from explaining to Aurora my outburst. We’re mated, but I haven’t even told her how I feel, and now I’m talking about marriage. What’s wrong with me?

“What now?” She strides to the door.

“I texted Ronan. Asked him to bring me some blood.”

She whips her face in my direction, glowering, before she opens the door. Yeah, she’s pissed at me now.

“I got the blood.” Ronan lifts the bags, but then freezes when he spots Ryker standing in the middle of Aurora’s living room. “What is he doing here?”

“Oh, just come in already. I’m not going to explain while you’re standing in the hallway.” She opens the door wider to allow him to pass.

Ronan glances at me with a question in his eyes.

“The warlock is here to help Aurora.” I shrug.

“Okay.” He walks over and offers me the bags. “Here. I got everything we had, but I’m not sure these will help. You need to feed from a live source.”

I cut a glance in Aurora’s direction just in time to catch her wince. “I will as soon as our illustrious visitor does what he came here for.”

It’s an effort to forget—for the time being—the other part of Aurora’s deal with him. I don’t have all the details, but what matters to me is Aurora is expected to marry that motherfucker. There’s no chance in hell I’ll allow that to happen. I already carry the last name of a traitor. If I kill that good-for-nothing mage and it costs the king his alliance with the magical folk, would it matter? Most of King Raphael’s supporters expect me to screw up. I might as well prove that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

She takes a step closer to the warlock with her chin raised high. “Just do what you have to do.”

Ryker glances at me, and then at Ronan. “I was going to tie up lover boy there, but since you’re here, just keep him restrained.”

“Why?” we all ask in unison.

The warlock turns to Aurora. “Because this is going to hurt, and I won’t put it past your mate to attack me while I’m in the middle of the incantation.”

He’s right about that. “Tying me up wouldn’t have worked. Ronan is a better solution.”

The warlock nods and then focuses on Aurora. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I will ever be.”

He presses two fingers in the middle of her forehead, and almost immediately, I sense the wisps of magic take over the room. The warlock’s eyes glow bright green while the light pouring from Aurora’s eyes is white. Ryker’s lips are moving, but I can’t hear the words he’s muttering, even with my vampire senses. Besides them lighting up like a supernova star, nothing seems to happen for a moment. Then I hear Aurora’s small whimper, a sound that pulls my spine tight. The muscles around her mouth tense, her expression becomes twisted. Her hands turn into balled fists by her sides. She’s in pain and trying to hide it. All my instincts are telling me to end her suffering.

Ronan, sensing the change in my stance, positions himself in front of

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