Wild Thing - Michelle Hercules Page 0,61

the Belmont rep.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, already feeling the telltale signs of a massive headache coming. “Fuck. What did they say?”

“They don’t want to wait for you to finish your studies at Bloodstone before the wedding takes place. They’re demanding you two get hitched within a month. I think they’re afraid you’re a flight risk and they want to secure the match at all costs.”

My blood runs cold. “No. That’s too soon.”

“Oh, and there’s more. They demanded that Calvin receive the same training as you do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t get all the information with all the simultaneous shouting that was going on. Eavesdropping is a lot harder when everyone is talking at once. But I did hear them mention Bloodstone. My guess is that Calvin will be joining you there.”

“That’s absurd and completely unheard of. Only those destined to become High Witches can attend Bloodstone. This is not fucking Hogwarts. This is a school for vampires, for fuck’s sake.”

“I know. You don’t need to shout in my ear. But thanks to the fiasco that was your visit to the Nightshade Market, the Belmonts have leverage now.”

“Solomon will never agree to it,” I say, but I don’t believe my own words.

“Maybe not, but I thought you should know. At least now you won’t die of shock when you bump into Calvin.”

This is going to end up terribly. Calvin and Saxon can’t be living under the same roof. Saxon will kill Calvin and start a conflict that King Raphael can’t afford. Oh my God. That’s it. If there’s one person who can stop this madness, it’s the king. Bloodstone is part of his domain.

“What were you doing in the market last night anyway?” I ask, just remembering that she wasn’t supposed to be there.

“I was looking for an ingredient, but not for a love potion.”

“What was it for then?”

“Please don’t get mad at me. I’m trying to brew a potion that will make Calvin repulsed by you.”

“What?” I yell, giving myself a headache.

“I figured that if he couldn’t stomach you, he’d call off the engagement.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, counting to ten in my head. Poor Miranda doesn’t know that being repulsed by me won’t deter the idiot. “I appreciate the effort, but I don’t think it will matter much to him. He already loathes me.”

“You seem resigned to marrying the guy. What about Saxon?”

“We are … I don’t know. It’s complicated. Thank you for letting me know about Calvin. I have to get ready.”

“Wait. Don’t hang up yet. I wanted to ask you something.”

I don’t really have the time to chitchat with my sister, but considering she got in trouble to save my ass, I owe her that much.

“Fine. What is it?”

“What’s the deal with Vivienne’s brother? He’s cute.”

“Oh no. Don’t even think about it, Miranda. Rikkon is not someone you should be even remotely interested in.”

“But he’s your friend’s brother.”

“Yeah, and he’s also a recovering junkie with a bad case of memory loss.”

“Okay, okay. I won’t ask about him again. Jeez.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m under a lot of pressure here.”

“I know. If I hear more, I’ll let you know. Talk later.”

I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve a sister like Miranda. Risking my mother’s wrath to help me goes beyond sisterly duties. I do hope her ill-conceived attempt to save me from Calvin ends there. It’s a dead end. But I can’t worry about that now when I have to find a way to speak with the king. I suppose I could ask Lucca to arrange the meeting.

I get ready as fast as I can, not only because I’m late for a lecture with Solomon, but because I must get this new problem taken care of immediately. After that, the next item on the agenda is to call my mother and ask if they’re moving the date of my wedding forward. If it’s true, then I have to find a way to break off my engagement and help the warlocks catch Elena in a month’s time.

It turns out, all my hurrying to get ready is for nothing. When I reach Solomon’s office, none other than Calvin is walking out of it. He smiles in a chilling manner when he sees me.

“Good evening, darling.”

I stop in my tracks while vises of dread take hold of me. “Did you come here to see me? I said I didn’t like surprises.”

“Oh no. I didn’t come for

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