Wild Thing - Michelle Hercules Page 0,55

one bit nervous about Ronan’s threat and I don’t think it’s because he quoted Harry Potter. The corners of his lips twitch upward and amusement dances in his pale gray eyes.

“Ronan McLaren. It’s been a while.”

Say what? He knows Ronan?

My friend presses the blade closer to the warlock’s neck. “Don’t even attempt pleasantries, Declan. I want to know what you’re doing in my apartment. How did you pass through the wards protecting Bloodstone?”

Whoa. Ronan knows the freaky warlock too? How is that possible? I wasn’t even aware they existed until an hour ago.

“I was carrying precious cargo. The future High Witch’s magic was enough to break through the wards.”

“Where’s Aurora?” I growl.

Declan raises an eyebrow. “You can’t feel her anymore?”

Fuck. Does he know we’re mates? He must, but I don’t know how. The High Witch didn’t seem to suspect about my link to her daughter.

I concentrate, remembering the invisible line that connects me to Aurora. I finally sense her. She’s back in her apartment. The potion has really dampened the effects of the bond. I wonder how long it will last this time. It seems the more I consume it, the less effective it becomes.

“What do you know about my relationship with Aurora?” I take a step toward him.

“I’ll answer you if you tell Ronnie boy here to bring his aggression down a notch.”

“Don’t release him just yet, Ronan. I have some questions I’d like answered,” Lucca chimes in.

“You do realize I’m just indulging your friend for old times’ sake,” Declan replies with a smirk.

With a grumble, Ronan removes the blade from the jackass’s throat and steps away. “Don’t waste your time trying to get answers from him. Most of the words out of his mouth will be lies anyway.”

“That’s true.” The warlock shrugs.

“Where do you know this guy from?” Rikkon asks, watching the stranger intensely.

“It’s a long story. What I’d like to know is what he’s doing here in our apartment.”

“There was a situation in the Nightshade Market,” I answer. “Declan and his friend showed up and took us to see the High Witch.”

“Friend?” Ronan’s eyebrows shoot to the heavens. “Who else is in Salem, Declan?”

“It’s just Ryker and me for now.”

“Wait. Where is the other douche?” I ask.

“And where’s Vivienne?” Lucca adds.

“The blonde girl is back in her apartment.” Declan attempts to smooth the wrinkles on his jacket as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s surrounded by three Blueblood vampires, but he doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass about it.

“And Ryker is having a private conversation with Aurora,” he continues.

The instinct to protect sweeps over me. “Hell to the fucking no.” I turn toward the door, but I only manage to take two steps forward before I hit an invisible barrier that I can’t break through. “What the fuck is this?”

“You’re not going to interrupt that meeting, Saxon. Don’t worry. Aurora is safe with Ryker.”

“And you think I trust your word?”

“Shut the fuck up, everyone!” Lucca yells. “Ronan, just tell us who we’re dealing with since you and those warlocks seem to go way back.”

Glaring at our unwelcome guest, he replies, “Declan and Ryker belong to the Warlocks of Ivern Guild. I met them when King Raphael sent me on a solo mission about three hundred years ago. You and Saxon were in hibernation at the time.”

“Are you saying those assholes are immortals?” I ask, unable to contain the surprise in my tone.

“Yep.” Declan takes a seat on the couch, crossing his legs at the knees. “Perk of being a warlock.”

“What’s the difference between warlocks and mages?” Rikkon asks.

“Warlocks deal with dark magic.” Ronan watches our unwanted guest through slits.

“Isn’t that bad?”

“It can be, if the mage is weak-minded,” Declan replies. “But it’s a necessary evil. You can’t fight demons using the garden-variety magic witches and mages do.”

Lucca shakes his head. “This doesn’t make any sense. How come I never knew your kind existed?”

“We don’t like the spotlight. We can do our job much easier in the shadows.”

I turn to Ronan. “I can’t believe you never told us about them.”

“Don’t give me that accusatory glance. By the time you and Lucca woke up, my encounter with those assholes was way in the past and almost forgotten. Besides, the subject never came up.”

“Why are you here, though?” Lucca asks Declan. “Did my uncle send for you?”

He snorts. “We aren’t servants of the king like the witches and mages in this town.”

“You lied to the High Witch to protect Aurora and now your buddy is

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