Wild Thing - Michelle Hercules Page 0,48

didn’t want anyone to know about it.”

“Wait, so you and Aurora aren’t together?”

“She’s engaged to a mage.” The words drip out of my mouth, drenched in disgust.

Aurora stops ahead in the hallway, right in front of the main exit. She looks over her shoulder, glowering. “Are you coming or not?”

“Coming, babe!” I joke.

Her eyes narrow to slits, and when I get near, she whispers to me. “Bond or no bond, you call me babe again, I’ll rip your nut sack off.”



“How long are you going to pout like that?” Saxon asks from the driver’s seat.

“This was supposed to be a quick visit to the Nightshade Market. Not a damn trip to Disneyland,” I retort angrily.

“Are you insinuating that we are children?” Lucca grumbles from the backseat.

I turn around, trying to level him with my most scathing glare. “You’re friends with Saxon. Enough said.”

“Hey!” Saxon protests. “I take offense to that.”

“I think this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have asked to tag along,” Rikkon says apologetically.

It makes sense for Rikkon to come with us. If he got the memory spell there like he suspects, maybe visiting the market will jolt his memory. That’s why when he asked to join us, I didn’t put up too much of a fight. I should have known Vivienne and Lucca would want to come too. She’s worried about him, I get that. They both have a target on their backs. Jacques, Tatiana’s right hand, accused Vivienne of attacking Boone, and then Lucca killed him. Jacques will do anything to get his hands on the Nightingale siblings in order to get to Lucca and the king. But I could have protected Rikkon on my own. And there’s Saxon too. I witnessed firsthand how feral he can get.

There’s no chance to roam the market without being noticed now. The news will reach my mother as soon as I step foot there. We’ll also draw the attention of people we shouldn’t. The place is brimming with unsavory characters trying to find a shady way to make money. If anyone suspects for a second Vivienne and Rikkon are Nightingales, they’ll have more to worry about than Jacques.

Their concealing spell is solid, though. My mother brewed the potion herself, making it stronger so not only vampires will see the glamor, but all other supernatural creatures too. When Vivienne first came to Bloodstone, I could see past the concealment. Now, I can’t. They look like bloodsuckers. They were also instructed to carry extra potions with them at all times, just in case the magic begins to wear off sooner than normal.

“Okay, we’re downtown. Where to now?” Saxon asks.

“Park anywhere near Salem Common. We’ll walk from there.”

It’s past three in the morning, and the park is completely deserted. A shiver runs down my spine when a chilly wind comes from the north, bringing the cold bite of winter. Saxon walks around the car, stopping next to me. There’s a good gap between our bodies, but the air between us crackles with energy.

“Whoa,” Lucca exclaims. “You can’t stay close like that.”

“Why not?” Saxon scowls at his friend.

“It’s like you have a neon sign saying you’re mates. Plus, it’s kind of affecting me too.” Lucca’s eyes flash crimson for a second, and when he glances at Vivienne, it’s impossible to miss the intensity of that stare.

“Are you kidding me? Our bond is making you horny?” I ask.

“It seems so,” Vivienne answers in a husky voice.

“Oh my God. I can’t be witness to this,” Rikkon protests. “If Saxon and Aurora’s proximity is the problem, I’ll be a buffer.”

He nudges Saxon to the side, sliding in between us. Saxon lets out a growl, peeling back his lips to reveal his fangs.

“Relax, dude. I’m not after your mate,” Rikkon says.

“It doesn’t matter,” he grits out. “You’re too close to her. It’s triggering my instincts.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I say, “I should have come alone.”

Without looking back, I stride toward the Salem Common Bandstand, a Colonial Revival style, its domed and temple-like construction built in commemoration of the city’s tercentennial. That’s the hidden entrance to the Nightshade Market. The inhabitants of Salem might be aware of the supernatural world, but that doesn’t mean we allow humans access to all our secrets and magic.

My companions follow me in silence. Determined to help, Rikkon is right behind me, serving as a barrier to the mating bond magic that’s now seriously affecting my mood and my ability to concentrate. How foolish was I to have agreed to let

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