Wild Thing - Michelle Hercules Page 0,4

harshly to hide my reaction.

He offers me his hand. “Come on. You need to dance off all that poison you drank.”

I should bat his hand away, but instead, I curl my fingers around his and let him help me up. The room begins to spin, making me sway on the spot. Still holding me, Saxon places his free hand on my waist, which brings me flush against his body.

With my palm flat against his chest, I can feel the accelerated beat of his heart. It matches the tempo of mine. A wisp of desire curls around the base of my spine, making me forget all the reasons I shouldn’t entertain the idea of hooking up with Saxon. My breathing has become shallow, and I don’t dare to move. This situation is changing fast and I’m not sure how I want to proceed.

You wanted a wild night, Aurora. There’s nothing wilder than Saxon Hellström.

“Are you all right?” he asks in a voice that’s much huskier than before. Damn.

I look up, seeking Saxon’s gaze. His blue eyes are shining crimson now. Danger. Danger, Will Robinson. I’ve suddenly become a tasty snack to him. I need to pull away from his embrace, but it’s almost like my body has a will of its own.

“What’s the matter, Aurora? Did the cat get your tongue?” His fingers dig deeper in my skin as he leans in. There’s definitely a bulge in his pants, pressing against my belly.

All common sense flies right out the window.

“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” I ask like a moron, regretting my outburst immediately.

His lips widen into a wolfish smile, revealing the tips of his sharp fangs. “You know I don’t need a gun.”

The song in the background changes to one of my favorite songs by Dua Lipa, snapping me out of his seductive trance. I finally find the will to step back.

“I thought you wanted to dance,” I say.

Without waiting for his reply, I whirl around and practically run down the stairs to the dance floor. Heat has creeped up my face, just like my body is on fire. Tequila didn’t do this. My overheated skin is all thanks to Saxon.

I’m almost in the middle of the club when a rough hand grabs my arm and twists me around.

“You’re not escaping so easily, little witch,” Saxon says. His blue eyes still have a tinge of red in them.

Hunger and arousal will do that to a vampire. I vowed to never allow a bloodsucker to drink from me, but my will is crumbling fast. It’s common knowledge that a vampire’s bite is quite erotic and when combined with sex is an unforgettable experience.

I lift my chin in defiance. “Who says I was trying to?”

Saxon lets go of me only to circle his arms around my waist and pull me closer. Yep. His erection is still there. He leans down, stopping an inch from my mouth and making my breathing hitch. Crap. Is he going to kiss me now?

He brings his lips to my ear instead. “I can smell your arousal, you know.”

“Tequila makes me horny. Don’t let that go to your head.” I sway my hips to the beat of the song, knowing very well what the friction between our bodies will do to him.

He hisses. “Don’t tease me, Aurora. You’re playing with fire.”

“Maybe I like playing with fire.” Rising on my tiptoes, I lick the hollow of his throat.

There’s a tiny voice in the back of my head saying this is a huge mistake, but I stomp on it until it dies. Saxon freezes, becoming as still as a statue. I don’t think he’s breathing. The moment only lasts a few seconds, and then his fingers are tangled with my hair and his tongue is in my mouth.

Sweet baby unicorns. This is heaven.



Truth be told, I’ve had a thing for Aurora since the first time I met her at an official royal function at King Raphael’s mansion years ago. Beautiful and with a sharp tongue, she’s exactly the type of woman I’m drawn to. I don’t like meek and boring. I need someone to keep me on my toes. Too bad she’s a witch.

I was taught to never mess with them by my asshole father. If the brutal general was afraid of them, he must have had a reason. My whole life, I was careful to give any of the magical folks a wide berth until I came across Aurora Leal,

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