Wild Thing - Michelle Hercules Page 0,13

flash of rare emotion shines in her eyes. For all her faults, I know she loved my father deeply, and when he died, it broke her heart. But this isn’t about her pain, it’s about my future and the bleakness of my existence if I marry Calvin.

“That’s true. I was lucky,” she replies. “But even if I hadn’t fallen in love with your father, I’d still have married him.”

“What if Dad wasn’t the man you had to marry? Would you have given him up then?”

Mom flinches as if my question caused her physical pain. But in the next second, her shrewd eyes narrow. “What are you trying to tell me, Aurora? Were you foolish enough to fall in love with someone?”

Saxon’s image pops in my head. Why is beyond me. I don’t love him; I barely like the male. Just because his dick is enormous and he made me climax more times than I can count on my fingers doesn’t mean I’m suddenly in love with him. Although, if I had to pick between Calvin and Saxon, hell, I’d pledge myself to the Blueblood.

“There’s no one else. I’m just pointing out that you can’t possibly know how I feel about this. I didn’t ask to be the next High Witch. I’m not even sure I want the job.”

“You’re talking gibberish. You’ve always desired to be the most important witch in the world. Don’t pretend the power this position brings doesn’t excite you.”

She has me there. I want the power and the influence, but not to satisfy my ego. I want to make a difference. There’s too much unfairness in the supernatural community, too much suffering, and the witches and mages aren’t doing anything about it. If you don’t fall in line with their archaic agenda, you’re shunned, forced to become a rogue.

When I don’t offer a retort, she continues. “Come on. Get dressed. You’re coming with me.”

I’m on high alert in an instant. “Where?”

If she says she’s dragging me to see Calvin, I’m going to lose my shit. I can’t face that perv again so soon.

“Per the king’s request, I’m going to attempt to wake Lucca. I’d like you to be present. It will be a good learning opportunity for you.”

Suddenly restless, I jump from the couch. Saxon lives in that same mansion. Shit. Am I ready to see him so soon after our hookup? Crazy radioactive butterflies flutter in my belly, and the warmth that spreads through my chest feels like giddy anticipation.

Pull yourself together, woman.

“Fine,” I snap, to keep up the pretense that her request pains me.

The truth is, I’m far from annoyed. I’m excited beyond reason.

Thirty minutes later, we’re pulling up in front of Lucca’s house. At nighttime, the gothic mansion with its pointy windows, dark brick tiles, and black rooftop is even spookier. Count Dracula would have been so proud. Bloodstone Institute has the same somber vibe. What’s up with vampires wanting to live as if they’re in a black-and-white horror movie?

An imposing human in his fifties lets us in. He’s not a familiar, and I never understood why the king’s nephew and his inner circle don’t have familiars like most Blueblood vampires do. There are rumors that Manu, Lucca’s sister, has one, but he hasn’t been seen by her side in ages.

On the ride here, I tried to get into a business frame of mind. I can’t let my mother suspect for a second that Saxon and I were fucking like rabbits last night. Technically, there isn’t a rule that says witches and vampires can’t hook up, but a relationship between species is frowned upon. For me, it’s entirely forbidden. I’m the future High Witch; I can’t be involved with anyone or anything that might jeopardize my position serving the king. If you ask me, that’s a load of crap. But until it’s my time to serve King Raphael, I have to keep my opinions to myself.

The marble-floored entry foyer opens to a grand staircase that leads to the living quarters on the second floor. But that’s not where the stuffy human leads us. We veer to the right, and then down a set of stairs toward the basement. Lucca’s hibernation room is underground for safety reasons. Vampires are mortally allergic to sunlight. Once underground, we meet a set of steel doors that require a password to unlock.

The staff member angles his body over the security pad so we can’t see when he types in the code. I watch him with dispassionate curiosity. Does he

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