Wild Swans - Jessica Spotswood Page 0,55

Connor leans in and cups my face in his hands. “You don’t have anything to prove with me. I’m not with you because you’re a Milbourn, okay?”

“Okay,” I say in a small voice. “But why are you? With me, I mean?”

I’m ruining this before it even gets started. I’m being too needy. You’re the kind of people who drive everyone away.

But Connor grins that big, boyish grin that lights up his whole face. “Because you’re smart and beautiful and generous, and you love poetry, and you put up with a lot of shit from the people around you without losing yourself, and you don’t call me out for being pretentious, and you’re incredibly forthright but also shy, and you’re a really good listener.” He rattles it all off in a rush and then looks down at the sandy path.

“Oh.” I don’t know what to say. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” He helps me over the rocks into the cove. “So, Claire. Is she the one who’s afraid of birds?”

I laugh. “Yeah. But she’s also pretty fierce, so don’t let her scare you off, okay?”

He threads his fingers through mine. “I don’t scare easily.”

Claire sees us and comes running despite her strappy four-inch heels. She’s wearing this gorgeous emerald-green jumper with a plunging neckline, and I don’t know how she manages to pull it off but somehow she does.

“Hi. You must be Connor. I’m Claire. It’s so nice to meet you.” She gives him a predator’s smile. “If you hurt my friend, I’ll murder you in your sleep.”

“Claire!” I groan.

“Noted,” Connor says, letting go of my hand to shake hers. “It’s nice to meet you. I appreciate loyalty.”

“Good. Would you fetch us some cheap wine, please, so we can talk about you?” Claire pulls some cash out of her wristlet to chip in for the collection.

He laughs, waving off her money. “I’ve got it.” He brushes a kiss on my cheek and strolls off toward the keg and the coolers.

“Chivalrous. I like it,” Claire says. “And you’re right. He’s hot. Do I need to give you the sex talk?”

I groan again. “Jesus. No. You gave me the sex talk when we were eleven.”

She smiles, remembering. “You were horrified.”

“I was eleven. And before you ask, yes, I am still on the pill.” Claire preached about the wonders of it regulating my cycle and helping with cramps until I asked Luisa to take me to her gynecologist.

“Use a condom too. Just in case. You can’t be too careful. Do you know his sexual history? Has he been tested?” she asks.

I blush. “Claire. This is our first date. We’re not having sex yet.”

“Yet! You said yet,” she crows, and I glance around, making sure that no one is close enough to overhear us. I knew these questions would be forthcoming because Claire is Claire, but I didn’t think she’d bring it up right now. I shrug, caught between mortification and wanting to talk about it with her. Truth is, I’ve never thought about having sex with someone before. I’ve wondered what sex would be like, but the other person was always kind of…amorphous.

If this lasts (please let it last), I could see Connor being my first. I could see him bringing the same passion and attention and sweetness to sex as he does to everything else. Which is pretty hot. I’ve had a lot of fantasies about it in the last twenty-four hours, honestly. Fantasies that I imagine will remain just that for a while. Fantasies that I don’t want to discuss in the middle of a crowded party.

“Remember, if you’re not ready to talk about it, you’re not ready to do it!” Claire sings out.

“I know, I know. And I’m not ready, so can we please change the subject?” I beg.

“Okay. Do you think Cooper Sutton’s cute?” She nods to a blond guy wearing a white polo, Nantucket Reds, and boat shoes.

“I don’t know. He’s not really my type,” I say.

She tilts her head, considering. “He and Jenna broke up last weekend.”

Jenna and Coop were the prom prince and princess. They are relentlessly popular and—like Abby and Ty—have dated since the seventh grade. If Claire even looks sideways at Coop, I guarantee Jenna will throw a fit. Unfortunately, Coop is totally Claire’s type: rich and pretty and kind of a douche bag.

“Speaking of…” I nod as Jenna makes a beeline for us.

“Ivy! Hey!” Jenna squeals as though we are friends. “Who’s the guy who came with you?”

“Connor?” He would explain my sudden rise in social status.


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