Wild Rain (Women Who Dare #2) - Beverly Jenkins Page 0,6

less stiff, his bones no longer frozen, and he almost felt human again. Spring had been correct about the cabin being cold. Overnight the fire in the grate had burned down to embers and he was surprised there weren’t icicles hanging from his nose. He quickly dressed, layering on as much as he needed to stay warm, and added more wood to the fire. Pulling his thin, back-East work boots out of his carpetbag, he put them on. Moving on the less painful knee he went in search of breakfast. The cabin was quiet. He didn’t see her or hear her moving about, so he guessed she was either outside checking on the animals or still asleep. Not seeing her big coat hanging from the peg on the door made him assume the former. The view through the window showed a blue sky and sunshine sparkling on a world covered in white. Wispy eddies of snowflakes danced in the breeze and off in the distance—the mountains.

In the small kitchen he found eggs, bread, and bacon. Being unmarried, Garrett was accustomed to taking care of his own needs. If he didn’t cook, he didn’t eat. Hoping he wouldn’t be shot for helping himself to her eggs, he cracked a few into a bowl and lit the stove. He was stirring a bit of cream into the eggs when he heard someone knocking on the front door. Unsure if he should answer, he waited a few moments to see if Spring would appear. When she didn’t, and the knocking came again, louder this time, he left the bowl and made his way there.

He opened it to find an old man with a long white beard and a coat similar to Spring’s on the other side. Hair the color of the snow streamed from beneath his hat made of furs. “Who the hell are you?” the visitor asked pointedly.

“Garrett McCray.”

“Where’s Spring?”

“I believe she’s out checking on her animals.”

The confusion on his face might have been amusing if the sky-blue eyes weren’t glaring with such hostility.

“And you are?” Garrett asked.

“Odell Waters.”

Recognizing the name from last night’s talk, Garrett was tempted to let him in, but again, he didn’t want to be shot by the lady of the house for being presumptuous. He also wanted to let the old man inside because it was too cold to be conversing in the open doorway.

“Let him in, McCray.”

He turned to see Spring removing her coat and hat. Her weary tone matched the weariness in her face. It was plain she needed more sleep. Garrett stepped aside.

Still exuding suspicion, Odell took a moment to take off his snowshoes before entering. Garrett closed the door.

Removing his coat and hat, Odell asked Spring, “What’s he doing here? Who is he?”

“Name’s McCray. Back-East newspaper reporter here to interview the good doctor. Found him walking in the storm yesterday. Got thrown by his horse.”

He sized Garrett up again. “He giving you any trouble?” Odell hung the coat and his hat on one of the pegs nailed to the door.


Garrett wanted to announce that he could speak on his own behalf, but the old man seemed intent upon ignoring him. Grumbling inwardly, Garrett spoke to Spring. “I hope you don’t mind me eating your eggs, but I’m cooking breakfast. Do you want a plate?”

She paused and did some sizing up of her own before replying, “Sure. Two eggs.”

“Bacon? Toast?”


Odell finally addressed him, “If there’s more eggs, I’ll take two. Bacon and toast for me, too. Any coffee? Cold out there.”

Garrett wondered how wanting to repay Spring for her hospitality by offering her breakfast had turned him into a diner cook. “Where’s your coffee, Miss Lee?”

“Come. I’ll show you. Odell, have a seat.”

Odell asked, “You sure you’re okay with having him here?”

“If I wasn’t, he’d be out in the snow waiting to be turned over to Beck.”

Confused, Garrett asked, “Who’s Beck?”

“Town undertaker.”

“Oh.” He had no further questions.

As they ate, his hostess and their visitor talked while he listened. Odell had spent the morning checking on his snowbound neighbors. Garrett had no idea how large an area that entailed, but the idea of a man his age venturing out on such a mission was impressive.

“Everyone okay?” she asked.

Forking up some of the scrambled eggs on his plate, Odell nodded. “Seems so.”

“How’s the road?”

“Impassable still, but temperature’s rising. Another day or two and it should melt enough for folks to get out.” He glanced Garrett’s way. “How long are you staying?”

“Just long enough to get what

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