Wild Rain (Women Who Dare #2) - Beverly Jenkins Page 0,50

the Territory politicians were promoting the land sales to the big back-East investors. There were certainly plenty of trees to be had.

Odell added, “If you’re worried about your land being legal, don’t be. It is. I’ll be talking to Ben and some of the ranchers to let them know about the lies Matt and Jarvis are spreading and find out if Porter James knows about the mill Jarvis is talking about building.”

“Thanks, Odell.”

“You’re welcome, and we will find out who shot McCray, one way or another.”

“Regan’s offering a reward for information.” And she told him how much.

His blue eyes twinkled. “Mrs. Doc is such a gift to Paradise. That much money would tempt a saint.”

“I agree.”

He studied her for a few moments before asking, “The man means something to you, doesn’t he?”

She gave him a nod.

“Not many men worthy enough to be with a woman as special as you. I hope you know that.”

“I do.” She valued herself even if others didn’t.

“Walking through life alone has its advantages, but so does walking with someone you have feelings for. Keep that in mind.”

“Thanks, Odell.”

“You’re welcome, Little Rain Girl.”

His nickname for her made her smile. Over the years, whenever they discussed life or things close to the heart, he always affectionately addressed her that way. He also used it when he was upset with her about something she’d done, like not checking the hooves of her horse for stones or an ill-fitting shoe, or taking on a mustang he thought too dangerous for her to break. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Why am I named after my grandmother? The way Ben felt about her, you’d think my folks would’ve called me something else.”

“Your mother wanted to honor your grandmother’s memory. Ben pitched a fit of course, but Isabelle didn’t care. She said your grandmother was due the tribute.”

“So I’ve been a lightning rod of sorts since I was born.”

He smiled. “I suppose you could say that, but like you, your grandmother had a deep well of strength. Ben stupidly used up every drop. It’s why she left.”

Her grandmother had rarely been discussed when Spring was young, but she knew a bit of the story about Ben and his Shoshone bride, and how he kept her from her people in a misguided attempt to turn her into what he called a civilized wife. She’d suffered loneliness, bore slurs from the townspeople, and one day Ben woke up to find his infant son Lewis tucked in bed beside him, and his wife gone. His search for her spanned years, but she was never found. “I’m going to check on McCray. You’ll let me know when his folks reply?”

“Sure will.”

Chapter Eleven

For the next few days Spring divided her time between her place and helping with McCray’s care so Colt could get some sleep. Odell and Whit took turns, as well. Colt showed them how many drops of laudanum to put in his tea to help him sleep, and how to change the dressings covering his back. The laudanum was alternated with bark tea. The bark tea wasn’t as effective, but Colt didn’t want Garrett to become dependent on the opium-based laudanum. On day four Dr. Crane, the Chinese doctor in Green River, sent word that Colt’s help was needed with yet another measles outbreak, this time at a different mining camp.

As he prepared to leave, he told Spring, “I’d rather stay here and look after my patient, but babies are dying up there. Promise me you’ll send someone for Lucretia if he gets a high fever or his healing stalls.”

Lucretia Watson was the local midwife, and the grandmother of Anna’s best friend, Livy. “I promise. Don’t worry.”

“Okay. I’m going by home to pack a bag, kiss my wife and children, and ride to the camp.”

His weariness was plain, and she wondered when he’d get the rest he needed. “Be careful. Send word when you arrive so Regan won’t worry.”

“Will do. Take care of McCray. I’ll be back as soon as I’m able.” Picking up his medical bag and bedroll, he left the office. Watching through the window as he rode off, she sent up a silent prayer for his safety. During her wilder younger days, her outrageous behavior had caused a deep rift in their relationship. No matter how many times he tried to talk her into mending her ways, she’d refused to listen. Now, thanks to Regan, they were in a better place. It wasn’t perfect and because of their personalities it might never

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