Wild Rain (Women Who Dare #2) - Beverly Jenkins Page 0,46

come along and help me look. Two pairs of eyes are better than one.”

She agreed.

A pounding on the door heralded Odell’s arrival. The curious crowd remained out front. Whit let him in.

Upon seeing Spring, his first words were, “Oh good. You’re here.”

“Where’d you think I’d be?”

“Already out gunning for Ketchum. The way you and Cheyenne took off, I was worried.”

The concern in his eyes mirrored Ben’s, so she said to him, “Whit says he’ll handle things.”

Odell replied, “And if he doesn’t, I will. Shooting a man in the back justifies an eye for an eye.”

Whit snarled, “Odell, you’re not helping.”

Ben warned, “Then you better find whoever did it and make sure he’s brought to trial.” His deadly tone made the hairs rise on the back of Spring’s neck. Ben held her eyes for a long moment before declaring, “We live by mountain law. Justice will be served one way or another.”

For the next hour it took Spring everything she had to sit and wait and not pace like a caged cat. The more she silently willed her brother to appear with news about Garrett’s condition, the longer time passed with no word. Finally, Colt came out of the surgery. There was weariness in his face and blood staining the blue leather bib apron over his shirt and trousers. “I’ve done all I can for now, but he’s strong. I’m confident he’ll pull through.”

Emotion clogged Spring’s throat, and her shoulders slumped in relief.

“He had three bullets in the back and two in his right shoulder. I’ll give them to you, Whit, soon as I clean them off.”

“When do you think he’ll be able to answer questions about what happened?”

“Maybe tomorrow or the day after. Not today though. He’s full of laudanum.”

“Okay. I need to send a bulletin on the shooting to the US Marshal in Cheyenne. Spring, stop by my office when you’re ready to help me survey where McCray was ambushed.”

“I will.” The number of bullets caused Spring to wonder if Ketchum had enlisted help. Would Jarvis have assisted him? She didn’t know enough about the man to speculate, but that Matt may have had accomplices was something to consider.

Whit asked Colt, “Can I let the folks outside know you think he’s going to be okay?”

“Yes, if that will make them go home.”

After the sheriff’s exit, Spring asked, “May I see him?”

Her brother hesitated.

“Please.” Spring rarely pleaded, and that must have made an impression.

“Come, but just for a minute.”

Ben rose to his feet and joined Odell at the door. “I’ll stop back later on my way home.”

Spring took in the man responsible for setting her on the harsh road that led to the woman she’d become, and the decades of animosity cracked a little. “Thank you again.”

He nodded and he and Odell departed.

She followed Colt to the back.

Garrett was lying so still it took her a moment to reassure herself that he was truly breathing. His chest was partially covered by a blanket, and the white bandages encasing his shoulder and torso stood out starkly against his brown skin. Her heart broke seeing him that way, especially knowing his injuries were tied to defending her. Eyes on him, she asked Colt quietly, “Are you sure he’s going to be okay?”

“Pretty sure. It will take him a while to get back on his feet though.”

Colt quieted for a moment, then asked, “You care about him, don’t you?”

She nodded solemnly. “I do.” There was no denying the truth.

“He cares about you, too. Very much.”

Her awareness of how Garrett felt about her couldn’t be denied, either. He’d made it plain in an unassuming way devoid of any expectations of commitment on her part. “Do you think we should let his family know what’s happened?” she asked.

“Seeing as how it’s going to be a while before he’s able to travel, yes.”

“Odell should know where his telegrams have been sent. I wouldn’t know how to word it without scaring them to death. Would you take care of it?”

“I will. Let’s let him rest.”

“I’ll be back this evening.”

“That isn’t necessary, Spring.”

“It is. He was shot for standing up for me, Colt, and he’ll need someone to watch over him while you sleep—at least for the first few days.”

Colt sighed but didn’t argue. “Okay. Let Regan know what’s happened, and that I’ll be sleeping here for a day or so.”

“Will do.” She ran concerned eyes over the sleeping Garrett—her partner. “Take good care of him.”

He showed a soft smile. “I will. You remember to let Whit do

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