Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,98

off her date with Cub. Maybe she needed it. Lucky hadn’t been around to answer any questions. The snow had stopped, and heavy clouds were dispersing from cloaking the skies above Fairbanks. She could see the waves of the Northern Lights as they broke through the atmosphere.

It was a harrowing drive. The temperatures had warmed up to freezing. The roads were iced over like frosting on a cake, and Gemma’s hands trembled by the time she safely parked her car in the garage.

Spring was in the air, but Alaska did spring like she did everything else. With a vengeance. They didn’t call it Break Up for nothing.

She entered into the kitchen, laying her purse and keys on the dining table. What she needed was a long relaxing soak in the rub. She also badly needed to talk to Lucky.

Where was he? He visited before with less of an Aurora display. He should be here.

“Lucky?” she called into the empty house, knowing she wasn’t going to get an answer back. The house was like a void. A black hole.

Siri couldn’t be right and that Lucky was using her, feeding off her soul like some astral vampire.

The air suddenly shifted in the room, became colder, swirling for a moment before settling. Just like it had in the store earlier. Had Lucky been trying to get to her but couldn’t for some reason? She’d much rather believe that than the alternative.


She swiveled on her heel. And there he was. She caught and held her breath. She could see him, yet could also see through him. He was more substantial than ever before. Not solid like he’d been last night when she’d visited him, but more. And since she was able to see more, she saw the agony and decision in his bedroom eyes. Dread settled in her stomach.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, Gemma.”

“For what?” It suddenly became hard for her to swallow.

“For everything. I never should have hunted you down. I should have left you alone to live your life, and I should have moved on.”

“That’s a lot of shoulds.” Her knees trembled, and she couldn’t help the tears forming in her eyes.

“Don’t cry.” There was a catch to his voice. “This is hard enough.”

“Then why are you doing it?” she whispered.

He held still, only his fists clenching and unclenching as though it took everything for him not to pull her into his arms. “I want you to have what I can’t.”

“But you can.” She took a step toward him, coming up short when he moved back. “I can see you. Every time we are together our bond strengthens.”

“Which is why I need to end it now.”

“No.” The breath she gasped hurt as it burned its way into her lungs. “Don’t you get it? I can see you, hear you.” She took another step and placed her hand over his heart. “Feel you.”

His eyes closed on a moan, and his hand came up to clasp hers hard against his chest. “I can never be a whole man for you. Never give you the family you’ve dreamt of. Cub can do that.”

“Cub?” Confused, she let her hand fall away from him. “You were there? In the bookstore.”

“Yes. He likes you. It wouldn’t take much for him to fall in love with you.” He caressed the side of her face. “It wouldn’t take anything for a man to love you.”

“What about me? Don’t I have a choice in this? What about us being destined for each other?” Had her mother nailed that one?

“Your mother is a gifted woman. There would have been a time when she would have been considered the Shaman or Seer. Listen to her. She will help you through this.”

“No,” she said through clenched teeth. “You don’t get to decide this. I have a stake. This is my heart, my life, my decision. I love you. Why do I have to live without you because you suddenly feel the need for self-sacrifice?”

“I don’t feel the need. It’s what’s right. You will forget me in time.”

She shook her head. “That will never happen.”

He suddenly grabbed her shoulders and gave her a slight shake. “You have to, Gemma. I can’t move on unless you do.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “Gemma. There will be another time, another life for us. I-I am so very sorry that I couldn’t wait until then. Forgive me.” His mouth was hard on hers, desperate.

There was a moan of pain as he tore his lips from hers. His eyes burrowed

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