Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,93

heart. Her hand smoothed the tourmaline in place. What the hell had that been? Static electricity in the air? Crystals didn’t have magical powers. Did they?

Tern gave her an approving smile. “I’ve done more research and if you actually have sex with Lucky the act will strengthen your bond.”

“Shh.” Gemma grabbed Tern’s elbow. “Come here.” She dragged Tern into the bookshelves of Philosophy and Travel, providing them some privacy where they wouldn’t be overheard.

Tern squinted and then gasped. “Oh my God. You’ve been with Lucky. What happened? I need details.”

Details she wasn’t going to get. But then Tern knew how gifted a lover Lucky was. Jealousy rose up in Gemma. Her friend had been with the man she loved. Experienced the joy Gemma had found in his arms. That was one very important thing that friends should not share.

“How?” Tern asked. “That storm front moved in last night. I would think that in order for Lucky to be able to sustain enough of a presence to accomplish intercourse the solar flares would need to be out of this world.”

There was that phrase again.

“He didn’t visit me. I visited him.”

That stopped her. “You made love with Lucky on the astral plane? In his realm?”

The way she said that made it sound bad.

“How did you travel there?”

“Remember those sleeping pills my mom gave me after the Tarot reading? Well, I took one.”

“Hmm.” Tern tapped her lower lip with her finger in thought. “How did you make it back?”

“I assumed when the effects of the drug wore off. I woke up in my bed.”

“And you know for sure that you were there and didn’t dream everything?”

“It wasn’t a dream. You sound like I need to repent or something.” Hadn’t Tern been pushing for her to connect with Lucky, strengthen their bond? Wasn’t this why she’d given her the tourmaline to wear?

“What is it?” she asked as Tern took a step back to study her, cocking her head and narrowing her eyes. “Tern, what aren’t you telling me?” For cripes sake she was tired of people not telling her things.

“You have the same look about you that your mother does.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“The colors in your aura are more vibrant, which is normal after having really good sex, but...you have similar breaks or holes in the layers like the aura that surrounds your mother.”

“Aura?” Dreamweavers, astral planes, chakras, and now auras? Was her reality anything that she believed? If all this was true, where was her freaking starship? “What do you mean holes?”

“I don’t know. Siri probably does.”

“You can see auras but don’t know why mine would be broken?”

“Not broken. Missing. If you want me to speculate, I’d have to say, part of you is still in the astral plane.”

“You are busting through all the rules,” Hansen said, standing with his hands on his hips as though bringing judgment. “How did you get her here?”

“It wasn’t anything to do with me. And how can I break the rules when I don’t even know what they are?” Frustration ate at Lucky. He’d been pacing long enough to actually mow a path into the perfect field of grass. He needed out of here. He needed Gemma, needed to be with her now more than ever, and no matter what he did he couldn’t break out.

Each time he’d meditated, he’d been lost in a swirl of snow. He’d been able to visit her before through storms worse than the one currently over the arctic. There’d been bad weather the day Siri had read his Tarot cards, and while he hadn’t been able to interact with Gemma, he’d been able to see her, hear her.

Today was different.

Each time he closed his eyes and concentrated, a static whiteout appeared meant to confuse and cage. No vibrant liquid streams of light to guide him to her. It was like there was divine interference. Had he broken some unpardonable rule by lying with Gemma?

Panic chilled him to the soul.

“You’re seriously going to choose to be with her.” Hansen dropped to his favorite rock. “You’re going to give up Heaven for a woman?”

“She is my Heaven.” Lucky stopped and faced his friend. “I have never felt more alive, more in tune to a person than when I hold her in my arms. It’s killing me, all over again, not to be in her presence.”

“How is it going to feel for her if she chooses you but can never truly be with you?”

Lucky raked his hands through his hair, pulling at

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