Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,69

jacket? Those perfect breasts, which had left Cub speechless, too, needed to be covered up and buckled down.

Cub sidled up to Gemma, and on instinct, Lucky tried to push him aside. He went flying through the man, didn’t even cause the guy’s perfect hair to stir.

This was no good. He was losing steps that he’d gained. “Here, let me help you,” Cub said, wrapping his hand around Gemma’s upper arm, his fingers way too close to the sides of her breast that the tiny scraps of material barely covered. Damn the man, he brushed the exposed globe of goodness with a slight caress of his index finger. Lucky couldn’t really fault him, but how he wanted to gut him on the tiled surface of the pool for touching his woman.

Yeah, this was hell.

He didn’t like seeing another man’s hand on his Gemma. He’d never been the jealous sort. Back to that free-living lifestyle. And he didn’t like feeling this way at all.

It was cruel. Torture. He wanted to return to his spirit prison. That would be better than watching Gemma enjoy another man’s touch. He didn’t miss the goose bumps or the becoming blush of her skin at Cub’s smooth maneuver.

Gemma climbed into the kayak, and with a push from Cub, slid into the water of the pool. Lucky watched with awe at her form as she paddled across the water, getting to the deep end and rolling the kayak. Wow, the woman was skillful. What else did she like to do? So far, he’d mainly been concerned with how she liked to be touched. Did that make him some sort of ass? Or pervert?

Of course it did.

Cub slid his kayak into the water and quickly caught up to Gemma with a few powerful strokes. Now Lucky was in awe of the power the man possessed just in his shoulders. He missed pitting himself against what nature had to offer. Granted there wasn’t a lot of nature here in the Hamme Pool, but it wasn’t a stretch to see how both Gemma and Cub would perform in the outdoors paddling down the world class rapids of the Nenana River.

A lump formed in his chest and spread throughout his soul. This wasn’t fair. If you were dead you shouldn’t be able to hurt like this.

“What would you like to drink?” Gemma asked, as she let herself into her house. Cub had followed her home after two hours of cavorting about in the pool. “I don’t have much more than cooking wine for spirits as I don’t drink much. But I can make you some tea, hot chocolate or coffee.”

“I don’t think you need any more stimulants.” Cub blushed, making him appear boyishly adorable. “I mean, no more caffeine. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look dead on your feet. Maybe I should leave and let you get some sleep.”

She was dead on her feet, but not willing to fall asleep. Not with what had happened yesterday. “How about some hot chocolate? I always get cold going from the heated pool to twenty below.” At least it had warmed up, gave her a little faith that spring was indeed around the corner. To be honest, she was more chilled at the stunning display of Northern Lights gyrating across the sky than leaving a heated pool. They were so luminous and alive, trekking from greens, to purples, to reds and crackling with energy. After what Tern had shared with her, she hadn’t been surprised to find her radio full of static on the way home, though a tad concerned.

“I haven’t been sleeping well,” Gemma confessed. Afraid she would crash as soon as she got home had been one of the reasons she’d decided to ask Cub over for a drink. With the Northern Lights lit up the way they were she was apprehensive about being alone, fearing she wouldn’t be alone for long.

A brush, like a hot breath, swept over the back of her neck.

She’d stacked her wet hair on her head after showering at the pool. A shiver that was anything but chilling, fluttered through her body. She glanced behind her and found no one. Cub had pulled out a chair and sat at the table a good ten feet away. She swallowed hard, and added a heaping tablespoon of instant coffee to her hot chocolate.

“You okay?” Cub asked. “You seem a little on edge. I’m not going to jump your bones.”

He might not, but she had the feeling there

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