Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,65

sapphires shining within their depths.

He froze on instinct even though he knew she couldn’t see him. But had she heard him? That was the first time he’d spoken out loud today.


“Who’s there?”

Holy shit!

Gemma scrambled out of bed, grabbing the heavy book on the side table. The light clicked on, and he almost laughed at the sight. She looked like a stirred up polar bear wearing all those layers.

He’d gotten her naked before. He had no doubt he would again. But maybe he ought to keep his mouth shut. A spooked woman was not a relaxed one. And he needed her relaxed.

Gemma searched the room, peeking around the closet door and then checking the bathroom. She exchanged the book for a hockey stick that she had standing guard in the corner and headed for the rest of the house.

Great. She wasn’t going to sleep any time soon if she was scared off her ass.

He always was his own worst enemy.

Lucky admired Gemma from behind as she methodically searched each room in the small clapboard house, double-checked that all the doors and windows were locked and then headed back to bed, grumbling under her breath, “I am not going crazy.”

He stifled a chuckle. The woman was delightful. Cute, yet sexy in that ruffled up kitten sort of way. The kind he wanted to cuddle with but knew at any moment the claws might come out. He kept silent this time as she snuggled back into bed. She left the bathroom light on, and it gave a soft glow into the bedroom, bathing the bed with a copper cast, highlighting her skin and hair with gold dust.

He’d always been attracted to shiny things.

She expressed a loud sigh and settled deeper under the covers. He advanced onto the bed, freezing again when her head came up, and she swept the room.

“Too much caffeine,” she muttered. “There is nobody here.” But as though to make sure, she took the adjacent pillow and laid it lengthwise, right over him. His non-corporeal body took the smothering of the pillow and rose above it.

He didn’t dare breathe—didn’t really matter if he did or not, but he liked going through the motions—for fear that she’d sense more of him. How was she picking up on his presence?

Did it have something to do with the Northern Lights or were these visits actually creating a connection?

God, he hoped it was the latter.

He needed her. Not just spiritually. She was his ticket back to the physical.

Gemma drifted in that place where she wasn’t completely asleep yet couldn’t fully wake up.

He was here.

She could feel him...breathe?

Spirits didn’t breathe. But then he was more than a spirit. He was a Dreamweaver come to weave an enchanting spell over her, enslave her into giving up her soul so that he could take over her body. She’d read a little more today after everyone had made such a big deal, and now she didn’t know what to believe. Just knew she wanted to curl into him.

He smelled like fresh mountain breezes with undertones of earth and pine.


She mentally giggled at the thought. Of course he smelled heavenly. Wasn’t that where he was from?

But what if he was from that other place? The one she dared not mention in case she invited a darker element into her life. One otherworldly spirit was enough.

Could she be a spirit magnet?

Her mother had raised her on a steady diet of natural organic foods, and homegrown herbs and berries with enough supplements to ensure she lived forever. It was a hard habit to break. Her first fast food hamburger and fries had been at the age of fourteen, and she’d promptly thrown it up. She was pretty healthy without a lot of toxic chemicals, though like most women, she had an addiction to chocolate. Pilates was her exercise of choice, and weather permitting, she took full advantage of all the outside activities living in Alaska provided.

Yeah, her system probably was real attractive to the body impaired.

“It isn’t your body that attracts me,” a husky whisper said before lips nibbled the side of her neck. “At least, not just your body, which is smoking.”

Funny, wouldn’t a dream lover say all the right things? He’d kind of stumbled over that.

She needed to make him go, but instead found herself arching her neck to give him better access. If she could only open her eyes, he’d disappear. But her eyelids were so heavy. She reached up her hand and laid it on his cheek.


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