Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,63

on the subject than this book.” Tern held up the Dreamology Dictionary.

“I’ve been trying my whole life to get away from this kind of stuff. Don’t tell me you believe in it?”

“There is a lot I believe in.” Tern’s tone more than the words had Gemma feeling ashamed as she remembered Tern’s close call with death last summer. “There’s so much we don’t understand,” Tern continued. “It’s arrogant to discount the unexplained.”

Wow, nice way to put her in her place. “Help explain this to me then. I’m so confused.”

“Tell me what’s happening.”

“I’m having the most intense, sexual dreams. It’s like he’s there. I can feel him, smell him, hear him until I open my eyes. Then he’s gone and usually before I ...well, you know.”

Tern’s lips twisted into a smile. “No, I don’t know.”

“Don’t make me say it.”

“Yeah, you’re going to need to say it.”

“Come on, Tern.”

“Well, I guess that’s close enough.”

Gemma felt the blush heat her face.

“How long has he been ‘visiting’?” Tern asked.

“Three weeks as of last night.”

“Every night?” Those brows of hers arrowed in thought. One brow was split at the apex by a scar giving her a somewhat rakish look for a woman. Very becoming on her and said more than words that she held her own.

“Except two days ago,” Gemma admitted, though leaving out how despondent she’d felt when her dream man hadn’t put in an appearance.

“So you have been having astral sex—damn, I love that phrase—for three weeks and you haven’t orgasmed?”

Gemma’s blush flamed, and she couldn’t respond.

“You might have to help yourself out for your own peace of mind.”

“Forget all that. How do I get rid of him?”

“Your astral partner?”

“Will you quit saying that word?”

“Nope.” Tern shook her head and laughed. This time it was full-bodied, and Gemma couldn’t help being pulled into the magic of the melodious sound.

“Oh my hell, what am I going to do?”

“Figure out why he’s sought you out and vice versa.”

“Me? I haven’t sought him out. How would I even go about doing something like that?”

“Your subconscious has. Maybe you need to have a talk with yourself and figure out what is missing in your life that you’re seeking in the astral plane.”

“Well, the obvious. I must be sexually frustrated.”

“Are you?”

“I didn’t think I was until he started visiting me every night.”

“Wait, you said he didn’t visit two days ago. That was Sunday. So why not Sunday? What was happening that was different that night?”

“Nothing really. The bookstore was closed, so I took care of errands and cleaned the house. I did meet up with Cub and had dinner.”

“Oooh, how did that go?”

“Eh. He’s good looking, that’s for sure.” Jacob “Cub” Iverson resembled a Norse god. Cool blond looks with ice blue eyes and muscles that bore witness to his ancestors throwing tree trunks. She should be climbing all over him from the moment he’d moved to town six months ago. “But there wasn’t any spark.”

“No, spark with Cub Iverson? My goldfish lights up when he’s in the room. The man was made for worshiping.”

“Don’t let Gage hear you talk like that.”

“Just because I’m married doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate art when I see it. So why no spark? Did he kiss you?”

“Yeah.” Gemma sighed. “It was nice but not as nice as my Dreamweaver’s.”

Tern’s smile fell, and she became very still. “What did you just call him?”

“Dreamweaver.” A shiver skittered across her skin. “Why?”

“Pull up the weather report for the last three weeks.” Tern pointed to Gemma’s laptop. “Come on. Do it.”

Gemma did as Tern instructed while Tern came around the desk to see the results. They quickly scanned through the past weather reports for the last month. Fairbanks had actually fared well for March. Other than the snow storm Sunday night, they’d had cold but clear weather and amazing Aurora Borealis displays due to the record solar flares.

“I don’t want you to freak out with what I’m about to say,” Tern said, slowly retaking her seat.

“You’re already freaking me out.”

“Well, hold onto something then. Your Dreamweaver is using the Northern Lights as a conduit to travel between the astral planes. If you aren’t careful, he’ll snatch your spirit and take you back with him. You need protection.”

“Really? You’d think having astral sex would be the ultimate solution for having unprotected sex. You can’t get pregnant or catch anything.”

“Don’t joke about this. There is so much you can lose.” Tern tightened her lips. “What’s the forecast for the Aurora tonight?”

Gemma glanced back to her computer screen. “Intense.”


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