Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,58

after Lynx had left her last night with one quick, hard kiss and a, “We’ll talk when I get back,” she hadn’t wanted to wait for him at her place. The clinic wasn’t home, not after being invaded by Pete who’d threatened to rape and kill her. Lynx’s cabin felt more like home. Or was it because Lynx lived there?

She was so confused.

What did she do with what he’d told her? Her logical brain was telling her to pack and get the hell out of here, but her heart wanted to believe everything Lynx had said.

When BW had her trapped, she’d done her best to scare him away and gotten nowhere. All Lynx had done was talk to him, and after what looked like an affectionate nudge, the moose had moseyed off into the woods. She glanced around the dense forest hoping not to come across BW or any other wild animals. She picked up her step.

Could Lynx be telling the truth?

And if he was, then what?

Alaska was like another planet, and she hadn’t even seen a winter yet.


It had been two days, and Eva hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Lynx. Boy, did that saying have more meaning living in Alaska. Fox and Raven had stopped by to check on her and invited her to go shopping in Fairbanks. She’d enjoyed herself even though she’d figured Lynx had called his sister and asked Raven to keep an eye on her. It made her heart hurt knowing he was thinking of her even though she’d basically called a halt between them.

Her patient load had been heavy, but a lot of that had been townsfolk wanting to get to know her better now that she’d “proven” herself a member of the community by taking down a bad guy. After half a dozen patients, she’d closed the clinic, taped a note on the door of where she’d be, and showed up at the lodge to tell her story over many Ugly Moose drinks so that they all could get back to business. The sharing had been mutual, and she felt more accepted in the small town.

One thing she hadn’t been able to ask anyone was if Lynx had been stringing her along or not. She didn’t want to voice it, and she didn’t want to “out” him in case everyone wasn’t privy to his animal talking abilities.

When she returned to the clinic, she’d found her lavender bra hanging from her doorknob. She picked it up and glanced around. She knew BW hadn’t left it for her. There had been no sign of him the last few days either. Lynx probably told him it was okay to return to the Refuge now that the poachers had been caught.

What was she saying? She was starting to believe him.

And if she were to believe Lynx, the return of her bra was a good indication that he could talk to animals. How else would he have gotten her bra off of BW’s antlers? She had been out of her mind trying to cut it off him with a pair of scissors. The bra wasn’t that worse for wear. A good washing and no one would ever know the adventures it had taken.

When she entered her place, nothing but silence greeted her. She used to like the silence. Not so much anymore. She headed for bed. At least with the many Ugly Moose she’d drunk, sleeping promised to be easier tonight.


He’d given her three days. Now he was getting his woman back.

Chocolate hadn’t worked, neither had flowers, but there was no way Eva would be able to turn away a puppy.

Lynx didn’t care if this wasn’t playing fair as he was way past fair.

With the cute little pup in his arms, he felt very confident that he’d get inside Eva’s door. That was until Eva opened her door and his heart pounded at the sight of her, and his carefully planned speech floated off into the atmosphere.

“Hi,” he managed to say.

“Hi,” she returned.

The puppy squirmed in his arms, bringing him back to his plan and off how pretty Eva looked in her silky blue blouse and sexy short skirt. He wondered what color her undergarments were today.

“This is Kiski.” Lynx held up the runt puppy Fox agreed was more suited as a pet than one of the dogs he trained for sledding. “You need someone to help you navigate this country. She’s a good start. I’d be better, but she’d go a long way in

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