Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,51

a cruel smile. “Promise.”

No way in hell did Lynx believe him. Slowly, he got to his feet, feeling the soreness from the hits to his gut and head. He wanted to rush Pete, take him down like a linebacker, but not when he held all the weapons.

Lynx inched back into the forest, not taking his eyes off Pete. When he felt more blended with his surroundings, he took off at a run for Chad. The idiot wouldn’t survive these fuckups. And he’d make damn sure the fuckups didn’t survive him.

Lynx became one with the forest, listening to her breathe, the animals converse, focusing on the subtle clues on which direction Chad and Big Bart had headed, all the while not leaving a trail for Pete to follow.

It didn’t take long for the crashing up ahead to alert him to Chad bumbling through the undergrowth. Then the cackle of Big Bart’s laughter taunting him.

“Dude, please, I’ve got me a wife and kids,” Chad begged for his life. Lynx had to give him props for trying. The man was as single as Lynx was. Scratch that. More single, since Lynx no longer considered himself unattached, not with Eva holding his heart.

Lynx snuck up on them, and peered through the thick brush. Chad was on his knees, his hands in the air, and Big Bart had his rifle trained on him.

“I really hoped you would’ve made this more sporting,” Big Bart said. “I hate it when they beg.”

They? How many times had these two done this?

Pete burst through the trees. “Fuck. I lost him.”

“The trooper? Are you shitting me?”

“Just finish this, and help me track him down. He just disappeared. No trace of him at all. Never seen anything like it.”

“Better let us go,” Chad said. “Lynx Maiski is different, he’s more.”

“More what?”

“They say more animal than man.”

Shut up, Chad. Lynx positioned himself to make a grab for Pete.

“Right,” Pete scoffed.

“No, listen, man. You don’t mess with the Maiskis.”

“Well, since you aren’t one of them we can dispose of you right here,” Pete said, raising his rifle. “Take your shot, Big Bart, or I’ll do it for you.”

Lynx rushed Pete from behind, taking him down to the forest floor, and getting Big Bart’s attention off Chad and onto them. They struggled, Lynx getting in a few lucky jabs, to repay him for the sucker punches of earlier, grabbing his weapon back in the tussle. He was too close to Pete to do any real damage, and vice versa. It was more of a wrestling match that Pete started to lose.

“Shoot the fucker!” Pete yelled, grunting as Lynx got an arm around his neck.

Lynx rolled him just as there was the repeat of the rifle going off. Pete’s body jerked, and then went still.

Lynx whipped his gun around, and Big Bart froze.

“Put the gun down,” Lynx said in a deadly voice.

“Oh, thank you, God.” Chad raised his face into the heavens, his hands together while he prayed.

“Pete, man, talk to me,” Big Bart pleaded.

“I said put down the gun,” Lynx hollered, standing and inching toward Big Bart.

Big Bart blinked at Lynx. “I shot him.”

“Yeah, you did. And I’m going to shoot you if you don’t lay down your goddamn weapon.” The resolve in Lynx’s voice must have gotten through that thick skull of his, because he slowly lowered his rifle to the ground.

Lynx didn’t take his eyes off him as with one hand holding the Glock, he searched Big Bart’s pockets and located his zip ties. He secured his weapon in its holster, grabbed both of Big Bart’s arms and wrenched them behind his back.

“Shit, man, you’re killing me.” Big Bart groaned in pain.

“Uh, Lynx,” Chad said.

“Shut up, Chad. And don’t you dare move. I’m so fucking mad at you.”

“But, man—”

“Shut the hell up.” Lynx finished restraining Big Bart with the zip tie, and searched him for weapons. He shoved him down to his knees. “Don’t even blink.”

Then he turned to Chad, his eyes scanning the area. “Where the hell did Pete go?”

“That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Chad said. “He crawled off that way.” Chad pointed north.


“Hands behind you, Chad.”

“Me? What did I do?”

“Brought these poachers onto my Refuge, and I suspect you were responsible for the other kills I’ve found in the last few weeks.”

“Oh, man. Come on, don’t arrest me. Think of my mother.”

“I’m sure she could use the break from your constant screw-ups.” Lynx restrained Chad the same as he had Big Bart. Searching for weapons and finding

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