Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,49

in the clothes line?”

“No, not when I see how Lynx looks at you.”

“Does everyone know?” This small town stuff was going to take a lot of getting used to. She never thought she’d miss the anonymity of the big city.

“Yes. They’re taking bets.”

“Bets! On what?”

“Well, the first—and this was set when you arrived in town—how long you’d last. The second, and more interesting, is whether or not you’ll tame Lynx.”

“Tame Lynx? As in...?” She couldn’t bring herself to utter the word.

“Yes, marriage.” Raven laughed all over again at Eva’s shocked expression. “Relax, the invitations haven’t gone out. Yet.” She giggled again, wiping at the mirth tearing in her eyes. “Damn, but you are fun.”

“We aren’t even technically dating. He stood me up, and after sleeping with him last night, he hasn’t returned any of my calls.”

Now, why had she said that?

“Ah, I knew there was a good story on how BW got a hold of your bra.” Raven suddenly got serious. “How do you feel about Lynx?”

“Uh.” Did she share with this woman? While they had been friendly since she’d arrived in town, they weren’t really confidants. She hadn’t had a confidant since Jeremy. Did she want to risk developing another one? Yes, as it turned out, she did. “Can we talk?” She dropped the scissors on the stair next to her and clasped her hands between her knees. “I really could use another woman to talk to.”

Raven met her eyes and studied her for a long uncomfortable minute, as though really sizing her up. “You realize he’s my brother?”

“Can you be impartial?”

“I think so.”

Eva gathered her courage. Courage that she used to have buckets full of until Davis and Jeremy had emotionally beaten her up. She set all that aside. This was a new life, a new beginning, and Raven, a new friend.

“I think I could really care for Lynx. What am I saying? I already care too much for him.”

“And the problem?” Raven’s lips flirted with a smile.

“I don’t know him,” Eva said. Raven cocked a brow, and the heat of Eva’s blush belied the fact. “Okay, so I might physically know him after last night.” And very much wanted to physically know him better. “But I’ve never fallen so fast into bed before. I usually take a long time getting to know a man before taking that step. I’m off balance.”

“Isn’t love all about being off balance? Explains that tingling in the belly and dizziness. That’s why they call it falling in love.”

Could she really be falling in love? So fast?

“There is no time frame for love,” Raven continued, having correctly read the panic Eva felt. “You can’t put logical parameters on it. Love just is.”

“But what about Lynx?” Was she the only one hanging out here on the proverbial limb?

“I don’t know what he’s feeling, but I will tell you this. I’ve never seen him make a fool of himself over a woman like he has you.”

“Then where is he? I haven’t heard a word from him since he left earlier this morning.” She hoped she didn’t sound as desperate as she felt, but was very much afraid her desperation had vocalized itself loud and clear.

“Did he say were he was going?”

“Something about a report of poachers he’d been tracking.”

“Hmm.” Raven swung a long wing of black hair over her shoulder. “His job is one of those where he can be gone for days. Once even a few weeks.”


“He’s usually good about checking in when he can. He has a GPS spot tracker on him if he’s out of cell range, which is most of the time. He’s in charge of a big area, and it requires a lot of his time.” She paused and slightly narrowed her eyes. “Are you one of those women who need a lot of attention?”

Eva paused wondering if that was some sort of insult and then decided it was an honest question, trying to get to know more about her. “No. I don’t mind being alone, and Lord knows men get underfoot when they are around too long, but when I share myself with a man for the first time, I wouldn’t mind a return phone call.”

“Totally understandable. And knowing Lynx, he’d call if he could.”

“You don’t think he could be in danger, do you?” The thought had the power to paralyze her if she let it.

“I don’t know many men who can handle themselves in the woods like Lynx can. It’s like he’s one with the animals. Don’t worry,

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