Wild Men of Alaska Collection - By Helmer, Tiffinie Page 0,24

Since she’d gotten him so hot under the collar, he was able to see the wound objectively. Somewhat. She smelled good too. Like some hot house flower. Tropical with hints of heat. Heat that had his blood quickening a trail back down south. He did a better job of controlling his physical responses to her when she was running her mouth.

“So what brought you here?” he asked.

He thought he heard her mutter “stupidity” before she asked, “Could you keep me abreast of what you are doing as you do it? I don’t like surprises.”

Good thing she didn’t have eyes in the back of her head, or she’d be surprised by the hard-on he sported. He’d never sewn someone up with a woody before. This might be interesting.

He surveyed the injury. Luckily, her jeans had kept most of the bark and debris from the wound. It was more of a deep puncture than a long cut. Might take just a few stitches. It looked worse than it was.

“Hey,” she said, startling him. “What’s your name?”

“Lynx Maiski. Hand me the alcohol.”

She passed him the bottle, her butt cheeks clenching as she readied herself for the sting. He wiped the area and quickly blew on it to help lessen the bite. Goose bumps erupted on her skin, and her voice had a breathy quality to it when she spoke again. “As in Raven and Fox Maiski?”

“My sister and nephew.”

“Then you’re also related to Chickadee, Tern, Pike, Fiona, and Coho?”

“Yep, sisters, uncle, mother and grandmother.”

“Pretty much most of the town.”

“A good portion of it.”

“So why haven’t I met you before?”

“Didn’t need any medical attention, I guess. But I’ve seen you around.” He sterilized the needle and thread, and knelt behind her for better access. “Ready? This is going to pinch.”

Those adorable butt cheeks of hers clenched again, and he had a moment of light-headedness.

She didn’t make a sound as he stitched the neatest, smallest, damn stitches he could. It hurt him to know that she’d have a scar on her perfect milky skin, and he wanted to minimize the blemish as best as he could. Four little sutures later, his brow sweating, Lynx clipped the thread and stood.

“There. Take a few Tylenol as needed for pain and see me in six to seven days for removal.”

She turned to face him. “Very funny. How would you like your bill paid?”

The answer was on the tip of his tongue as he was lost in those eyes of hers, but luckily he bit it back in time.

“Sorry for being such a bitch earlier.” Was her voice huskier? “As you’ve probably guessed, I haven’t quite assimilated to the area.”

He could help her assimilate.

She stood half naked with the counter behind her and him in front. If he placed his hands on the counter, she’d be caged within his arms.


Eva dragged in a steadying breath hoping it would slow down the galloping of her heart. Nope. Didn’t even come close to calming her down. How did this backwoods bear of a man raise her blood pressure? Her eyes dipped to his naked chest. Hills and valleys of muscle had her eyes traveling lower and lower until she had to jerk her head up to break contact with all that hard, smooth, sun-baked skin.

She was fascinated by the human body. One of the many reasons she’d gone into medicine, but Lynx’s body far impressed her over any other specimen that she’d yet to see. Maybe it was the Native Alaskan she could clearly see in him. He was bigger, features sharper, darker, more dangerous than other men she’d been around.

Why hadn’t he put on a shirt? Was he messing with her? Did he know how long it had been since she’d had sex?

Hell, she didn’t even know, just knew it had been a really, really long time. And good sex hadn’t happened in an even longer time. Knowing that Davis was gay explained a lot about their failings—his failings—in the bedroom.

She bet Lynx could satisfy her in the bedroom.

She licked her lips.

Did he just groan?

His eyes were focused on her mouth, so she licked her lips again. There was no mistaking the mix of growl and groan this time.

Usually her surly attitude did a good job of keeping the male species at bay. She still hated men for the two who had broken her heart. Maybe she should do something about changing that?

Her eyes connected with his and without thinking it through, she stretched up on her tippy toes

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